Question for anyone who knows American Civil Rights


Well-Known Member
If someone interpreted the Bible in a slightly different way, one could see that natural drugs ARE the Lord's Temple. How could one sin by putting the temple inside the temple? What if God was reffering to synthetic drugs, since they are man made and not of his temple?

I grow many Ethnogens, none for sale. I use them to treat pain, anxiety, insomnia, and many other things. Since it is a sin by my interpretation of the Bible to consume anything synthetic, not of God's creation.

I live in a country founded on freedom to practice religon/America.

Is it a violation of my civil rights to be put in prison for not wanting go to hell?


Well-Known Member
I see what you are getting at. But unfortunately the world worries more about man's law than God's. As far as civil rights, laws ( right or wrong ) superceed our perceived rights unless they are shown for what they are. Then the law is usually removed or changed.


Well-Known Member
I see what you are getting at. But unfortunately the world worries more about man's law than God's. As far as civil rights, laws ( right or wrong ) superceed our perceived rights unless they are shown for what they are. Then the law is usually removed or changed.
If the government ever decriminalizes balligamy for religious pourposses then everything will start going in my direction.

"Taking a synthetic drug is selling your soul to Satan"


Well-Known Member
If you dont mind me asking, what else are you growing?


I am a bit paranoid of saying much more as a manufacture charge is a lot worse then growing weed, and I just admitted to consuming them.

I will however, when I get more comfortable start uploading photos and details about them, like how I successfully grew them and how to stress some plants to produce higher alkaloid content. All of which will be based on my own experiences.

If there were any questions stemming from the first one please feel free to PM me.


Well-Known Member
Mitragyna speciosa(Kratom) is 1 of the plants I am growing. It is legal in America to grow this plant, and their are no local laws prohibiting it's use. It has not been evaluated by the FDA so it can not be sold for consumption.

Very well for pain!


Well-Known Member
Is it a violation of my civil rights to be put in prison for not wanting go to hell?
No, because civil rights are mandated by the laws of the country. Commonly people mix up civil and human rights. Both of which are debatable so it gets confusing. Your civil rights in the U.S. are backed by laws. The Freedom of Religion back by the 1st Amendment doesn't mean your religion can break laws.


Well-Known Member
No, because civil rights are mandated by the laws of the country. Commonly people mix up civil and human rights. Both of which are debatable so it gets confusing. Your civil rights in the U.S. are backed by laws. The Freedom of Religion back by the 1st Amendment doesn't mean your religion can break laws.
What about the Native American Church? I believe that god put mushrooms on earth so we can communicate with him! He put plants with different effects for different illnesses on earth so we can treat ourselfs medicinally. By taking a synthetic drug to treat any illness is like saying man is more powerful then God. How can I get into heaven if my beliefs are illegal?

Also, what about the people in Colorado, Utah, Arizona. They believe that you can not enter heaven unless you live like jesus(with many wives and children). In all 50 states having more then 1 wife is illegal, but they are fighting it!


Well-Known Member
the growing of, or manufacturing of, an illegal chemical is based on laws made to protect private property, not personal liberty. These laws are not Constitutional, nor are they morally right. It is what happens when any two people interpret any one thing; the guy with the cash can make his interpretation law. I want my personal property protected by the government, but what if my "personal property" was based on a powerful lie that subjugated others?
"If people know that something they can produce themselves will work better than the Pharmaceuticals /Politics/religious propaganda that I capitalize on, then my money will be taken from me. Therefore it is right and fair to eliminate those that dissent."
This is the "personal property" and "pursuit of Happiness" that our government interprets as being important. Theirs, not yours. The laws against drugs are there to stop people from experimenting with dangerous chemicals that may react badly in their systems. I think that is a good thing. We have to have a warning about things like Heroin, Cocaine, and Meth. They will fuck you up forever. However, too often, a drug's "dangers" are arbitrarily highlighted or forgotten based on which ever patent holder or investor had a seat in Congress at that time. Have any of you folks taken some of the "medicines" they sell on TV? That shit fucks you up, on a really profound level. Maybe it works for some, but not for me.
Why then can you legally have a drug that works for most, but not for you; all the while the drugs that does work for you...well, you get the point. It is politics. We need to have a revolution, but not one of guns and bloodshed. We need to carefully and systematically undermine the system, paying attention to what keeps our freedoms suppressed. Break the law, it's for the law's own good; just don't hurt the innocent.


Well-Known Member
the growing of, or manufacturing of, an illegal chemical is based on laws made to protect private property, not personal liberty. These laws are not Constitutional, nor are they morally right. It is what happens when any two people interpret any one thing; the guy with the cash can make his interpretation law. I want my personal property protected by the government, but what if my "personal property" was based on a powerful lie that subjugated others?
"If people know that something they can produce themselves will work better than the Pharmaceuticals /Politics/religious propaganda that I capitalize on, then my money will be taken from me. Therefore it is right and fair to eliminate those that dissent."
This is the "personal property" and "pursuit of Happiness" that our government interprets as being important. Theirs, not yours. The laws against drugs are there to stop people from experimenting with dangerous chemicals that may react badly in their systems. I think that is a good thing. We have to have a warning about things like Heroin, Cocaine, and Meth. They will fuck you up forever. However, too often, a drug's "dangers" are arbitrarily highlighted or forgotten based on which ever patent holder or investor had a seat in Congress at that time. Have any of you folks taken some of the "medicines" they sell on TV? That shit fucks you up, on a really profound level. Maybe it works for some, but not for me.
Why then can you legally have a drug that works for most, but not for you; all the while the drugs that does work for you...well, you get the point. It is politics. We need to have a revolution, but not one of guns and bloodshed. We need to carefully and systematically undermine the system, paying attention to what keeps our freedoms suppressed. Break the law, it's for the law's own good; just don't hurt the innocent.
Amen my brother!


Well-Known Member
that was the word I chose to vaguely describe the different types of plants and fungi I use spiritually and for physical pain and stresses.


Well-Known Member
What about the Native American Church? I believe that god put mushrooms on earth so we can communicate with him! He put plants with different effects for different illnesses on earth so we can treat ourselfs medicinally. By taking a synthetic drug to treat any illness is like saying man is more powerful then God. How can I get into heaven if my beliefs are illegal?

Also, what about the people in Colorado, Utah, Arizona. They believe that you can not enter heaven unless you live like jesus(with many wives and children). In all 50 states having more then 1 wife is illegal, but they are fighting it!
What about it? Explain what you mean and I'll give you an opinion.


Well-Known Member
Members of the Native American Church can legaly consume peyote during spiritual rituals. Also, a branch denounced by the Morman Church is fighting to get Polygamy decriminalized.


Well-Known Member
Members of the Native American Church can legaly consume peyote during spiritual rituals. Also, a branch denounced by the Morman Church is fighting to get Polygamy decriminalized.
I still don't understand you. If the the Native American church can legally consume peyote how is it illegal? I was responding to your question: Is it a violation of my civil rights to be put in prison for not wanting go to hell?


Well-Known Member
I still don't understand you. If the the Native American church can legally consume peyote how is it illegal? I was responding to your question: Is it a violation of my civil rights to be put in prison for not wanting go to hell?
If that was your original question why did you quote a different post? In America Peyote is illegal, all parts. Yet, because of their spiritual beliefs it is legal for them to consume!


Well-Known Member
I still don't understand you. If the the Native American church can legally consume peyote how is it illegal? I was responding to your question: Is it a violation of my civil rights to be put in prison for not wanting go to hell?
Why would you answer my question and then say you do not understand? Are you trying to down me. We are brothers, you should be fighting for a better world with me, not against me. How will we win if not by unity?


Well-Known Member
Why would you answer my question and then say you do not understand? Are you trying to down me. We are brothers, you should be fighting for a better world with me, not against me. How will we win if not by unity?
Are you high? :confused:


Well-Known Member
Is getting high wrong? Hell yeah, I'm high! Maybe I am taking you the wrong way. It was just wierd to me. Read your first post, You answer my question already! Do you make it a habbit of answering questions you do not understand, or maybe I am high again?

Can we please get back to the subject?


Well-Known Member
Is getting high wrong? Hell yeah, I'm high! Maybe I am taking you the wrong way. It was just wierd to me. Read your first post, You answer my question already! Do you make it a habbit of answering questions you do not understand, or maybe I am high again?

Can we please get back to the subject?
You mixed up me responding to your question and me responding to you. Your original question makes sense, but after that you are not making sense. How does legal peyote use have anything to do with you not wanting to go to hell?:roll: