question for americans


Well-Known Member
With the states where its been made legal, im just wondering what have the dealers turned too? Only wondering because i see it going legal as being taken from one criminal into the hands of the biggest criminals who are upto alot worse. They arent making cannabis legal imo because they have learnt its not harmful. Its simply because they are looking at the money they can get. Cant see many dealers going to get a job and crime evolves so just wondering what the hell would be next.

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
I don't see legalization having a huge impact on growers. We just have to step up the game and become Samuel Adams in a Budweiser market. It's gonna impact dealers, but then we still have "boot-leggers" selling shine.


Well-Known Member
Yeah wont affect us growing at all apart from not having to worry about being arrested for just growing a plant for our own use. I just wonder will other crime go up? cant see to many dealers going out to get jobs if they cant sell.


Well-Known Member
I am curious to see how crime statistics play out here over the next year or two in Washington and Colorado. I understand that there will always be people looking to make the easy buck, but I'm not convinced that legalizing weed will guarantee an increase in other types of crime. Time will tell. Until it becomes federally (re)legalalized, there will always be profit to be had carting legal product out of state to unfriendly states.

CC Dobbs

Well-Known Member
Dealers will always deal, and politicians will always steal, in order for our world to heal, we all need to keep it real. Amen


New Member
According to the law in CO, individuals cannot sell their now legally grown personal bud to anyone, IIRC.

I don't see that many of the lazy stoners who usually buy weed from a dealer rushing out and getting all the grow equipment and then doing the research and gaining the knowledge required to grow truly quality bud like we already can and do.

Some of them will, for sure. Most of them? Definitely not.

Also, in CO, can you grow your three (or six) outdoors? I think it HAS to be indoors behind a door with a lock. That would mean most would have to buy all the indoor equipment.

I don't think dealers have anything to worry about UNTIL the government themselves starts selling, and at that point, the government could do it any number of ways.

The most detrimental to dealers would be if the government allowed the big name cigarette companies to grow, process, and sell bud the same way that they grow, process, and sell tobacco. This would also be extremely terrible for the smokers themselves. You KNOW the big name cigarette companies would flood their products with all kinds of crazy chemicals, and yet millions would still buy and smoke them.


Active Member
If the medical market is any indication, prices for legal weed may remain relatively high. If somebody buys "legal" weed they should have no problem putting cheaper "illegal" weed in whatever special packaging the legal stuff comes in when they run out. Its not like they are going to be able to stamp serial numbers on the buds.


Ive never considered marijuana a "drug"; dealers will continue to sell drugs (cocaine, meth, etc.). Quit associating marijuana with drugs and drug dealers people! ..sound like the stupid, misleading government! "Have you ever sucked dick for weed??"


Well-Known Member
Diversion in my med state is high. Many stoners ddn't get cards so the demand is still there and many of the dealers that were growing pre med are helping to supply the market. They didn't go anywhere and adapted to the changes.


If someone sells a few small bags of medical marijuana to his/her friends in need, in my opinion, it doesnt make him/her a "drug dealer". Thats such a nasty tag for those who help grow/locate organic medicine and supply those in need. "Drug dealers" that sell cocaine, meth, etc. will probably not be affected... unfortunately. Those "drugs" are the leading cause of crime, and the people who sell them should be subjugated, not organic medicine suppliers!


Well-Known Member
I do sometimes wonder about the divide between legal growers and non legal growers
non legal growers are the majority they supply most of the MJ in the world
and perhaps would of supplied the legal growers at some stage before they became legal

when folk get the opportunity to become legal, i notice that some of them like to distance themselves
from the non legal growers, now known as "drug dealers" ironically

one way of looking at it is that the legal growers have abandoned their core principles, and are hypocrites
on the government "pay roll" and also possibly informants turning on their fellow grower
the legal system should tell the media to treat weed the same as alcohol and de-stigmatize it
removing the drug dealer slur, folk selling alcohol folk selling coffee are not know as drug dealers

another way of looking at it is, you have to accept the rule of the legal system
jump through whatever hoops they put in front of you, the prize is worth it
if the federal law enforcement take away your legal status , accept it
its like playing simon says, simple really

the drug dealers who do not have the opportunity to grow legally are just jealous perhaps
although i'm sure the drug dealers will continue to undercut the inflated "legal" prices
until the amount of legal growers out-way the illegal ones,
then there will be no excuse for the disgusting prices they sell weed for in these American dispensaries, $60-80 for an 1/8 in some cases
for some little nuggets that fits in a pill bottle, this is laughable the consumer is getting a bad deal

perhaps they should just make it legal for everyone to grow for personal amounts but no one to sell anything
folk in wheelchairs with no limbs who cant grow can have legal government weed that should cost no more than cigarettes


Well-Known Member
I live in CO.

With the states where its been made legal, im just wondering what have the dealers turned too?
The stores do not open until January so everyone with out a red card gets weed from a weed dealer.
If the 51% tax passes in Denver the smart people will either get a red card or use their old dealers.
51% tax on anything is bullshit.

Only wondering because i see it going legal as being taken from one criminal into the hands of the biggest criminals who are upto alot worse.

Nope, not here.
All the recreational stores for the first two years (I think) will be former dispensaries or run by dispensary owners. They pay huge license fees and taxes and can make money, so there is not going to be a lot of legitimate stores that do not toe the line.

They arent making cannabis legal imo because they have learnt its not harmful. Its simply because they are looking at the money they can get. Cant see many dealers going to get a job and crime evolves so just wondering what the hell would be next.

Nothing has changed for the weed dealers I know, except they all ask me to sell them my weed.


Well-Known Member
I am curious to see how crime statistics play out here over the next year or two in Washington and Colorado. I understand that there will always be people looking to make the easy buck, but I'm not convinced that legalizing weed will guarantee an increase in other types of crime. Time will tell. Until it becomes federally (re)legalalized, there will always be profit to be had carting legal product out of state to unfriendly states.
Legalizing weed decreases crime. Former criminal behavior is now legal? That means less crime.

Other states?
It is not our fault they have shitty weed laws.


Well-Known Member
According to the law in CO, individuals cannot sell their now legally grown personal bud to anyone, IIRC.

I don't see that many of the lazy stoners who usually buy weed from a dealer rushing out and getting all the grow equipment and then doing the research and gaining the knowledge required to grow truly quality bud like we already can and do.
In talking to a few grow shop owners, they had a bunch of people buy equipment after 64 passed and business has been brisk. But yeah, most of my friends are too lazy to grow weed especially since you can get it for $20-$40 an 1/8th.

Some of them will, for sure. Most of them? Definitely not.

Also, in CO, can you grow your three (or six) outdoors? I think it HAS to be indoors behind a door with a lock. That would mean most would have to buy all the indoor equipment.
You get 3 immature and 3 mature plants per person over 21 per residence.
Technically you can grow outside as the legal definition of "enclosed" could mean a 1 foot tall fence.
I am surprised no one has been busted that I have heard about for growing outside, even though a crappy lawyer could get it tossed.

If you stick to your plant limits, they can not do anything.

I don't think dealers have anything to worry about UNTIL the government themselves starts selling, and at that point, the government could do it any number of ways.
The government will not be selling weed here in CO.

The most detrimental to dealers would be if the government allowed the big name cigarette companies to grow, process, and sell bud the same way that they grow, process, and sell tobacco. This would also be extremely terrible for the smokers themselves. You KNOW the big name cigarette companies would flood their products with all kinds of crazy chemicals, and yet millions would still buy and smoke them.
I wouldn't. My friends wouldn't.

Look at beer. There will always be a demand for high quality beer.
There will always be a demand for Natty Light.

I don't even buy from dispensaries, most can't match my quality.
Except vape pens cartridges, love those things and I can not talk my wife into buying a $50,000 CO2 extractor to make oil.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Ive never considered marijuana a "drug"; dealers will continue to sell drugs (cocaine, meth, etc.). Quit associating marijuana with drugs and drug dealers people! ..sound like the stupid, misleading government! "Have you ever sucked dick for weed??"
Caffeine is a drug. Alcohol is a drug. Nicotine is a drug. Cannabinoids are a drug. It doesn't matter what you consider it to be, it is a drug. I buy my cannabis from a drug dealer. He deals cannabis, which is a drug, which makes him a drug dealer. deal with it.


Active Member
If anything I see it lowering prices on the street, or better bags for the price. Dispensary's are usually still rather spendy in my area, an closely watched. People I know wouldn't go near one for the fear of cops following you around after. The legalization movement is great but honestly has created giant sticky traps (dispensary's) for cops that still hound it as a drug and love kissing federal a$$. More product available generally will drive prices down on anything. In a way I like it that way though, I would rather see people who are truly medicinal patients using dispensary's that's REALLY their purpose, maybe see "Smoke Bars" for recreational. With some that get cards and frequent my local shop at least definitely gives it a bad look sometimes and can hurt the movement for legality at times in my opinion. I saw it somewhere once a quote "As cannabis legalization rolls out, be the stoner everyone wants to be around. We gotta remember we are the ambassadors for cannabis, lets show the world the GOOD it can do." Walking around downtown like snoop dogg puffin in peoples faces isn't going to win us votes next go round :p