Question About Yields


Well-Known Member
So I was doing some pondering earlier and I was wondering in lets say this scenerio

You have yourself a single 600/1000w HPS light

You can A. Grow 8 Plants
B. Grow 16 SOG

What produces the more yield?

Does letting the "A Group" of plants have a longer veg time and higher in height more the advantage or the advantage is having a larger number of plants but retsrainted in height it?

Oh yea one more thing I know it all depends on growing conditions and strain but besides that
Just some stoned wonderings bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
it does all depend on conditions... but if all conditions are "perfect" the yeild would be about the same... but if you were to look at it in the long run the SOG would be harvesting perpetually and the latter may not be... but it could be... so about the same, the best point about SOG is that you can set it up with multiple lights and by doing that you can make it so you can harvest it in portions so there isn't so much work all at once. plus you don't need as much hight in the grow room, which for some people is a problem.

but about the same yield... is what i think...


Father Jack

Well-Known Member
16 plants under a 600 or 1000 is not a SOG. More like 36 plants would be a SOG. The nice thing about using a 600 or 1000 as opposed to a 400 or less is the penetration they will provide below the canopy. Which in turn results in a bigger yield from the same size plant grown under a 400 or less.

If you have no problem with plant numbers, and keeping up with tons of cuttings...then try the SOG...but I'll tell ya right's a pain in the ass after awhile.
