question about yellow tips on leaves


So I have yellow tips on my leaves. I diagnosed the problem myself as being from the grow area getting too hot. It got as high as 88, I got it under control to 79-80 (know that's still a little high, best I can do.) The plants were otherwise looking great. Since the heat issue is now under control, should i be clipping yellow parts off? I also have a mother with a few leaves with a little more extensive damage. Should those be cut of too? Again, other than the yellowing, the plants are looking very nice.


Well-Known Member
I don't think burnt tips are from hot temperatures their from hot soil:lol:High ppm feeding~just think you should post a pic:clap:


Well-Known Member
mrghetto hit it on the head...9 outta 10 times, yellow leaf tips are beginning stages of nute burn....lower your ppms a bit and see if the yellowing stops...


Moderatrix of Journals
... or cal def....

but yes. pics will help.
burn = you need to back off something, cal def = you need to add cal (i know, duh) but both can be described as "having yellow leaf tips".


Active Member
honestly, i truly dont thing 88 is even too high. when its fuckin 108 degrees outside my growroom gets up to 90 degrees, and sometimes hotter. and ive never had a problem with heat, my soil is always moist so i know my roots arent getting hot and all that. the only time ive had a problem with heat is when i left for bonnaroo for 4 days and fucking came back and my plant was about 3 inches away from my light. no damage, just a little bit of strain on the very tip of the newest leaves.


van de zwaan house and garden 2 part soil is what i give them, are you thinking nute burn? im starting to think thats the case, this stuff is supposed to be super concentrated and i think i may have been using too much inadvertently


Moderatrix of Journals
the way i see it you have 2 options: back off on your nutes or add something else (that you might have to go buy, if it IS a cal/mag def) (deficiency-wise i'm more leaning towards mag now that i've seen your pics but it could just as easily be nute burn).

if you back off on your nutes and it gets worse, chances are it's not nute burn; you can give them nutes + a cal/mag supplement (i highly recommend grotek's calmax if that's the case). your plants look healthy enough overall that even if you back off your ppms and it *does get worse, they should recoup nicely.
if i'm wrong and it IS nute burn, you don't want to be giving them more supplements, but it's a lot harder imo to deal with a burn than def and way less control so you don't want to make it worse.

ultimately, it's always easier test the option where you have to add in the end than to take away.