Question about weed in the mail, need advice please...


Well-Known Member
I wasn't sure where to post this fellas so if there's a more appropriate place I should be please forgive me.
Here is my delima/question:

I have recently moved out of state and currently have no connection to anyone that can get weed (that I know of). I'm plan a grow opp but that is another story for another thread, this problem has to do with some weed that a friend sent me in the mail.
I was jonesin' after about 6-7 months so I had a friend of mine mail me some nice bud, I believe he used UPS. I sent him a little box in the mail that he used to mail some bud back to me in. We thought we were going about it in a secure way; he wrapped it about 10 times with some sulifane and made sure that it was discrete and unnoticeable to the human eye/nose. The box was very small, I think it contained a MP3 player at one point.
Well, the mall package never arrived. I didn't know if anyone else had ever had a similar experiance, I also never recieved any notification that anything was confiscated and neither did he. How was this detected? What would've been a better method? Or was this just a honest case of a lost package that just happen to contain something illegal? Any thoughts or input please... :peace:


Well-Known Member
I have no experience with this at all, but if I was going to do it I'd probably try putting it in a bag in the middle of a can of coffee grounds or something.


Well-Known Member
the problem is that the box probably has been touched usign the same hands that packed the weed...leaving the smell on the outside of it...dogs detect this easy..

you need to make sure you use gloves and wash your hands..before after and in the no for real though

what happened to your box?... got detected and smoked... no paperwork...bam.


Well-Known Member
ive never had trouble...only time customs ever got something was when i packed it in glass jars so it didnt get crushed...they stopped it...i never got it...chances are it wasnt just a coincidence...youre personally fine because the shipper takes all responsibility for the package

next time...put the erb in to two ziplock bags and then those two zip locks into a smell proof bag (you can get them at hydro stores and head shops)...then roll that up into an old jacket or t-shirt and into the box/bubble envelope...ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS OVERNIGHT EXPRESS with the earliest possible delivery time the next may cost a pretty penny but thats the price you pay (for me LA to NY overnight express runs about $160 per package)...the less time its floating around the shipping company the less chance someone comes across it...get a tracking number and NEVER NEVER NEVER check it from your home computer


Junior Creatologist
buy yourself a pack of Smelly Proof bags man. Them things are fuckin amazing, lol. N take your sack, put it in a normal sammich bag, n then put another one around it, then slather it in vaseline to cover up any residual smell, and then put it into the smellyproof bag. Then proceed to stick that into a jar of peanut butter, and then reseal the jar of peanut butter with some nail glue or somethin, to make it look like the seal is still on the jar under the lid.

After that, like the above poster said, you need to make sure he washes his hands for a good ten minutes before he even touches the box that hes going to be putting the product into for final shipment. once done, send it Via USPS, not UPS. The united states postal service will get your package to you in a matter of 2 days, and they dont go through all the bullshit scanning that the UPS or FEDEX does when somebody pays extra money to have something shipped out special. Just get it sent so your local mailman brings it right to your doorstep.


Well-Known Member
I wont go into details that could complicate my shipments if this idea is used in the wrong hands and flags certain methods, anywho. Try using electronics my stoner-jonesin friend. Let's say you open up a dvd player, or a boom box, possibly even in amplifiers for a pc. Like my man franco said though, don't touch the weed and touch the package or the item you will be shipping in. Wash and sanitize your hands and use tweezers or the such to handl the weed into a bag the has not touched weed on the outside and seal it with a heated knifethen place in another bag and repeat and place into the electronic and screw it back up. Don't mess it up for the ninjas that do it this way. I have never lost a package using this method, even shipped clones to france =). Be a ninja, and don't half ass it ya digg.
Good Luck Bro. -Mister Nice GUY


Well-Known Member
The united states postal service will get your package to you in a matter of 2 days, and they dont go through all the bullshit scanning that the UPS or FEDEX does when somebody pays extra money to have something shipped out special. Just get it sent so your local mailman brings it right to your doorstep.
Fed-Ex & UPS have no extra scans that standard packages dont go thru (i worked at one for quite some time) any case the USPS is a little stricter...USPS uses customs as well as non-customs US government agencies...

regardless of which shipping company you decide to use...pack well, wash your hands, overnight ship, get a tracking number (dont check at home)


Well-Known Member
These all sound like very good ideas to get stuff through the mail guys, thanks. I have since used one of the methods to get something (though it was never in the mail, it was hidden inside a big DVD case and brought by a family member that was coming to visit anyway) So I still haven't tried again to get something though the mail,... yet.
The fella that did it for me was probably rolling a blunt at the same time, I was a little worried he would half ass it, and from what I'm hearing I guess that's what happened. (?) You guys think it was snagged? But how? Dogs? Is there any other method that's used to detect that stuff?

I'm pretty sure the guy that sent it to me put all his effort into finding something real nice, and then half asses the shipping part of the process, (I had to send him a box to put it in for crying out loud). He used UPS ground and didn't even make a note of the tracking number. Next time I will use a method like you guys have noted here, thanks a ton. But still, Is there any other way they detect that shit besides dogs? One of you must work for UPS or something, enlighten us. :peace:


Well-Known Member
i do, i had someone send me stuff via United States Postal Service (USPS). they will straight up open every box that comes through their hub without reason. if you do have people send you stuff, send it via, fedex, ups, or dhl etc..
never ever EVER send shit USPS.

also if USPS finds something in your mail 1 time, they will open mail from you for a long long time, and sometimes it'll take way more days to get normal mail, even if you send it to yourself ( i tried it just to prove they were opening all my mail) i send a unmarked box to myself with a note that said , "can you please refrain from opening mail without just cause? thank you." it never made it back to my house.
i thought it was there DUTY, their CODE that ALL packages rain or shine, yadda yadda WILL make it to their destination? some code.. it's a total scam.


Well-Known Member
Never use fed ex. Always ship from a different site. Adding smells to your package only contribute, they do not cover up. Smells dont work like that. When you hide something in coffee, it only works for an hour or two, until what you are hiding has a chance to get through the coffee, so at that point, the dogs are smelling coffee AND weed. Watch Barry Coopers video on how NOT to get busted. And, DONT SHIP WEED. If you do, do it this way: Tightly wrap bud in plastic bag, roll up bag. Wrap with saran wrap, healthy amount. Slather with Vicks vapo-rub. Wrap with MORE saran wrap. Spray with glade air-freshner Wrap with duct tape Put in tupperware container Hot glue tupperware shut Put in box with styrofoam. Seal box and ship through UPS ONLY, NO FED-EX, NO USPS. Hope this helps..


Well-Known Member
i do, i had someone send me stuff via United States Postal Service (USPS). they will straight up open every box that comes through their hub without reason. if you do have people send you stuff, send it via, fedex, ups, or dhl etc..
never ever EVER send shit USPS.
more false information...they will not and CANNOT open EVERY box that comes through...first off, it make everything they find inadmissable in court and they dont have the resources to be able to open EVERYTHING that comes through their doors...thats just flat bullshit ...they have to have reason...lets not get crazy here


Well-Known Member
I will just be sure to go ape shit with whatever I am using to conceal the bud with in the future, or I will instruct whoever is sending it to do so.

Lastly, I am still curious how it's detected besides dogs, are there any machines that sense it? That's the only question I haven't seen answered. Thanks to the everyone that responded, I hope we don't have to deal with crap like this for to many more years... it's absolutely ridiculous this PLANT is illegal.... :peace:

Bucket head

Well-Known Member
i used to work for a large shipping company. And I can tell you that if this was not an international package which im pretty sure was the case. It most likely was stolen by an employee at some point along the shipping process. Ive seen it before; lets say that the box broke open which happens all the time and some guy who smokes finds that bag its gone. or its possible that it just got lost or confiscated. Who knows just my 2 cents.:peace::blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
No, wasn't international. Dang greedy shipping smoker out to steal my gift bag... He'll get his one day...


Well-Known Member
My buddy wants me to send him a small "care package". I think I will because he can't find any good herb around and the package can't be traced back to me.
So you guys think UPS is my best bet?


Well-Known Member
more false information...they will not and CANNOT open EVERY box that comes through...first off, it make everything they find inadmissable in court and they dont have the resources to be able to open EVERYTHING that comes through their doors...thats just flat bullshit ...they have to have reason...lets not get crazy here
i'd like to believe ya, but had my mail carrier come to my door and tell me they were going through all my mail because they found an Oz of weed in there.. so i tested it, and never got mail i sent myself.
rain or shine.. yadda yadda.. nice..

you can believe what you want sir, but i have experienced it myself. all my mail was being tampered with untill i mailed them a note that asked them to stop.

EDIT: Go ahead and send USPS then, take that DEA agents advice that is telling me i'm a liar.


Well-Known Member
more false information...they will not and CANNOT open EVERY box that comes through...first off, it make everything they find inadmissable in court and they dont have the resources to be able to open EVERYTHING that comes through their doors...thats just flat bullshit ...they have to have reason...lets not get crazy here
He's right. The postal service is fucked. There are more attorneys in the U.S. than postal workers.


Well-Known Member
I used to get pounds in the mail,, it was wrapped in plastic, then wrapped in duct tape then plastic then tape,, four or five times, after the second time wax was melted over the whole thing, then at the end it was covered in melted wax one last time then put in a box ,,,, the only thing I would do different now is to wait 2 days to see if you could smell it before you send it,, cause if it is the kill than you dont want that smell to get out... always sent it "ups" and never got caught,,, I dont do that anymore and havent for a few years.....