Question about watering


Active Member
I'm just wondering, when people say "let your pots dry out before watering again" do they mean like actually bone dry, or do they mean like the top soil is dry and it's still a little moist but fluffy about an inch down?

Top dry, if you dry to the bone your plants will have long ago wilted.

Lift the pot after you water, the lift it in a day, then two and three, until you get a good judgement on how often to water.

How big are your pots? What kind of light, how many plants?

Good advice, thank you. I'm going to have to start lifting them so I can get a good idea.
I've got a bag seed in a 12litre plastic pot that I put a few more holes in the side for aereation, and I've got an amnesia haze auto in a 12.5 litre air pot. I've actually got them under a 600w LED each because I was going to grow more and they're the only ones that did well, and I just left the lights up. But they're doing really well. Seeing good growth, just being careful not to over water. I have them both 1.5 litres of tap water on the 19th and had a bit of run off. The tops are dry now and it's a bit most a little bit down so I thought I'd give them each another litre today
Good advice, thank you. I'm going to have to start lifting them so I can get a good idea.
I've got a bag seed in a 12litre plastic pot that I put a few more holes in the side for aereation, and I've got an amnesia haze auto in a 12.5 litre air pot. I've actually got them under a 600w LED each because I was going to grow more and they're the only ones that did well, and I just left the lights up. But they're doing really well. Seeing good growth, just being careful not to over water. I have them both 1.5 litres of tap water on the 19th and had a bit of run off. The tops are dry now and it's a bit most a little bit down so I thought I'd give them each another litre today

This week, I came across a brilliant foolproof plan being suggested to another beginner...

Fill an identical pot with dry soil, and you can use that to gauge how wet or dry your plant's pot is. By the time the plant is big enough to make a difference in weight, you'll have her watering habits down pat.
This week, I came across a brilliant foolproof plan being suggested to another beginner...

Fill an identical pot with dry soil, and you can use that to gauge how wet or dry your plant's pot is. By the time the plant is big enough to make a difference in weight, you'll have her watering habits down pat.
Yeah definitely seems like the best way to get to grips with some sort of schedule. Thanks :)
I grow in 2 ltr pots which are easy for a weight check but I still use a moisture meter to double check. If a medium dries too much, it'll become hydrophobic….I avoid that by adding a drop of household soap to my feedings.
A cheapo moisture meter should be on a new growers essential list.