Question about watering and nutrients


Well-Known Member
Hey guys,

I am on my first grow. I started from 6 clones that were given to me by a friend. They were cut from a plant that was in flower and revegged, he cut them maybe 4-6 weeks ago. I'm not sure how long they've been "rooted" for, but the solo cups did have a nice root ball filling the cup when I transplanted.

I just transplanted them last night into 3 gal pots and gave them their first feeding. I'm growing in a mix of 50% ProMix Myco Organic, 30% coco, and 20% perlite, I hand-mixed it myself. I'm using pH'd RO water and FOOP. I wasn't 100% sure what to feed them, so I mixed to 290ppm and 5.9pH, they recommend 300ppm for Seedling Week 2, and to pH water to 6-6.5. I mixed about 5 gallons worth for the 6 plants and probably used around 3 gallons. I watered them until I noticed draining from the pots. I've read a few places that water with organic nutrients in it only lasts about 24 hours.

So now for the questions. Does nutrient water really only last 24 hours before going bad? I am planning on setting up a blumat automated watering system, FOOP has assured me that it won't clog them, as that is one of their big selling points (I guess, it's right on the packaging). If the water is only good for 24 hours, how does this work? I have a 40-gallon res I wanted to set up and hook the blumats into that. I have a pump to keep the water moving. I am going to let the blumats work off gravity. I know I'd have to drain and clean the res before switching from veg to flower, but if the water won't stay good over 24 hours, what's the point? When watering and feeding my plants, FOOP gives a weekly schedule, do I feed them this any time they need to be watered throughout the week? Or do you only feed them once and then use pH'd RO water until the following week?

My thought process was to fill the res, add nutes based on how much water was in the res to meet the desired ppm, then pH the water to the desired pH. I would then run that through the blumat until the following week, at which time I would add more water/nutes and adjust ppm/pH to desired levels, and so forth until flower. Then I would drain and re-fill the res, switch to the next line of nutes for flower, and repeat the process above, and so on.

I just want to make sure I am getting this right.

On another note. I am going to try mainlining and supercropping. Are these anywhere near ready to start that process? He said to wait a week. I was thinking of waiting til I saw the 5th node appear, based on some research I've done. Some additional input would be nice though.



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Lol. You’re doing too much.

Why did you do all that?

Your plants look like shit. Stop feeding and let them grow.
I was told to lol. I've only had them for a few days, so just did what my buddy told me to do, transplant and then feed em.
He grows some good flower, so I am just taking his word until I get things figured out. Everyone in here has been super helpful thus far as well, just trying to use all the resources available to me.
I was told to lol. I've only had them for a few days, so just did what my buddy told me to do, transplant and then feed em.

You should send him the photo of what you did... he will tell you to back off water and he probably said give nutes later
I did send him photos. This is how they looked when he brought them over lol. Like I mentioned above he said they look funky cause they were cut from a flowering plant and revegged. Not sure if that's why they look like shit? He held them for me for a while too in solo cups cause my electrician kept rescheduling on me... I dunno. I'll take your advice though. Hoping someone can chime in about the other questions I had. Thanks dude.
I mean why in the world would you give nutrients to such a baby plant ? That’s like giving preworkout to a baby

Hes the one that told me to give them 300 ppm lol. That's what foop has listed for seedling week 2. Hes telling me to up the nutes next week too. Lol
This is literally why I came here to ask these questions haha. I'd rather get info from a collective than have one source.
I tested the waters pH and ppm. 5.9/297 like I said above. I think I have that figured out for the most part. I have a few different meters but eventually want to use this grochek in the res. I guess what I really want to know is if I mix a weeks worth of water at a time and put it in the res, is it going to go bad? The pump will be moving it and the grochek will constantly be monitoring the ppm/pH, and I'd just adjust accordingly.
pH is so many factors. You cannot say I tested this and done. PH is a factor of temperature too

Are you using filtered water? What do you mix with and what order and how long do you wait
Figure it out yourself then
Damn bro, I purposely gave all of the details in the OP for this reason lol. I said I used RO water, comes out around 6 pH, 7ppm. I am using FOOP, nothing else. I followed their mixing instructions to a T for a plant that is a seedling week 2. My question isn't even related to the plants in particular, moreso to how watering/mixing nutrients works, how long they last, if it will stay good for a week in a res with an aquarium pump, asked a question about topping as well. The photo and the first bit of the post just go over where I am at currently. I appreciate you chiming in and everything but you obviously didn't read the whole post, otherwise you would have known the answers to the questions your asking and would have seen the questions I asked to begin with. Thanks though.
mn bro, I purposely gave all of the details i

No doubt. I hear you. From my RO the water is coming out at 6 pH, 7 ppm. I filled a 5 gallon jug (the kind that would be on a water cooler) on Sunday with my RO water. FOOP recommends you use RO water. Last night I mixed the nutes into that water. On the label it tells me to pul 18ml of Veg 1 and Veg 2 each, per gallon, or 500ppm. I mixed the nutes in, they're liquid, let it sit maybe 30 mins. It doesn't say anywhere that I have to do that, but I figured give it time to settle. I then checked the ph, it was like 3.7. I used pH up to get it to 5.9, tested with two calibrated meters. I then tested the ppm and it was only 290ppm, when I expected 500ppm. I said fuck it, and just watered them with that because I figured they should only get a light feed anyway.

So what you're saying is, let the water sit for 5 days before or after mixing the nutrients? This is where I get confused, because I did a bunch of reading online and from what I could find, a lot of people said that the organic nutrient mixed water goes bad in 24 hours? I trust my homie and he seems to think I am fine, but I want to get second opinions and see what others think.

I think one of the reasons the plants look so funky is because they're cut from a plant that was in flower and it took like 5 or 6 weeks to reveg it. That's what he says anyway.

I'll post pictures of the bottles in a minute.
If that's too hard to read I can type out what is in it, if that helps. I'm just not sure what information I need to give you. Thanks for bearing with me dude.