Question about watering and following a feed chart


Active Member
Hey RIU peeps,

Here is my story. This is my 2nd time growing and first time using Indoor lighting. I have (7) plants going that went into the 12/12 Cycle April 1st; (2-Bubba Kush; 1-ChemDawg; 1-King Louie XIII OG; 1-Tahoe OG; 1-Purple Urkle; 1-Unknown purp) I got them in (5) gallon GeoPots. Up until recently, I have been following Botancare's Feed Chart and just been doing water and feed within the same week. Now that I bought me a soil moister meter, I found out I was over watering my plants. So now, I just water 1x per week using 1 gallon of water or nuts for each plant.

So since I count from the day they went into 12/12 cycle - I guess I'm at day 39 - which is week 6 according to the calendar. I just feed them yesterday but on the 5th week feed chart. So now, it seems I'm off track since I can only water 1x a week and feed on the 2nd week. I'm confused. I've attached some pics of my grow



Active Member
I myself only feed if they look defficent or for a little boost as all strains are different some can handle more nutes than others. My advice would be i mean do what your doing your plants look good if they start showing any signs of nute burn then back off. Sometimes less is more tho i found that out the other day giving my libert haze plant some flower nutes at week 4 and i only used a 1/3 strength dose burned the shit out of her.


Active Member
Thanks for the reply. Yeah, from this point forward I will stick to the plan which is to check on the plant every 2-3 days with the soil moister meter. Once it meter reading hits between 0-1 (in the red), hit em with the water or the nutes. I will keep this thread updated until I harvest.