Question about trimming fan leaves


Active Member
I have a questions about trimming. I planted 2 plants into one huge pot, and now im into my 6th week of flowering, and the budz on top are looking perfect, but all the lower ones dont look very good, mainly they look underdeveloped. I was wondering if i should cut the big fan leaves at the top of the plant so the lower buds wil get more light.
My main question is if i do trim, how much should i trim, and where exactly.

here is a link to a thread i started earlier that has pics of my plant. I wil also post more pics if that will make it easier, just let me know what u want the pic of.(a close up of the small buds, a overview of theplant, etc) later if that is need

thanks for the help

I am in the process of resolving my spider mite problem, got pest strips, that hot shot bug trap thing that last for 4 months, and i just sprayed the plants with a mix of neem oil and biodegradable soap.


Well-Known Member
DONT DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

those leaves are the solar power production facilities for yoru plant. take them away and your yield will sufer. those lower buds are smaller because they are further from the light. removeing leaves closer to the light so further ones get lit is counterproductive.

lumen loss is exponential the further away from the source you get(ie-1000 lumz at point A is 100 lumz a foot away at point B.

next time cut out all that undergrowth in week 2-3 of flowering and all the energy will go to the canopy creating larger denser buds.


Well-Known Member
man dude i just got sad lookin at that, it looks like your poor babies are gettting eaten alive.
you shouldnt trim too much , just trim enough so that more light gets to the bottom.
did you ever hear of pinappling or lollipoppin your plant.


Active Member
thanks for the input, and yeah i didnt realize i had a problem til it was way late, so im trying to fix the problem, any one else have any ideas on how i can fix my spider mite problem


Active Member
thanks silk, i started to trim the lower branches on my other plants that i just put into flowering, the only thing is i dont know how much to trim off. Should i trim off all branches except that main ones at the top??


Well-Known Member
hey slik its not gonna hurt to trim a couple fan leaves, ive chopped many fan leaves in my lives and it never hurt the plant at all
you wont notice it hurt the plant, but hurting it you are. lop off a couple fingers from your left hand, you will still lead a great productive life...but it wont be as good as it could have been.:dunce:

this is what mine look like.

before -

after -


Well-Known Member
Personally id only trim if the leaf has 50% or more damage!
I look at it like the leaves are your solar panels and your buds are your batteries!!!


Well-Known Member
Personally id only trim if the leaf has 50% or more damage!
I look at it like the leaves are your solar panels and your buds are your batteries!!!
i dont take 'em at all. the plant will drop them when its through with them. millions of years evolution and the plant doesnt need our help to decide what it wants and doesnt.

most people make growing this weed WAY more difficult than is need be.


If the leaves are 50% damaged take em off. They are a source of energy for the plant but a couple here and there will not hurt. Especially if they are pretty damaged. Get some bang insect inhibitor, that will prevent anymore mites from hatching.