Question about Transplanting seedling into DWC Hydro


Hi guys,

I have recently set up a DWC hydro system with hydroton medium, and I have some seedlings sprouting now. As I get ready to transplant my seedlings into the DWC system I have a few questions..

1. What should the water level be when I transplant my seedlings in?
-should the water level just touch the hydroton but not my seedling's roots?
-should the water touch my rapidroot cube?
pretty much, just how do i deal with the water level early on in the plant's life?
2. Well i guess i really only had 1 question. Smoke a blunt for me. :leaf:


I recently had this question too. In my search I found that the water level should be touching the hydroton, not the cube, until you see roots coming out of the net cup. Then, lower the level about an inch below the cup


Ok, I'm assuming that while waiting for the roots to drop through the net, I should be watering from the top a few times a day?

collective gardener

Well-Known Member
I don't know how others do it, but here's what I do with the few DWC's I run at our op. I actually bring the water up so the rapidroot (I use a rockwool cube) is about 1/4" in the water. I make sure that the bubbles are coming through and surrounding the root cube. I'd rather the cube be a little wet, than risk the delicate roots drying out. Once the plants have several long roots, I'll lower the water.