Question about traditional light schedule?


How's it going everyone, im new here and just had a question reguarding the traditional (18-6) light schedule. I was wondering if in the early stages of growth would it possibly be benificial to slowly progress the light schedule from say.. (14-10), then say 2 days later (16-8 ), 2 days later (18-6) and remain at 18-6 till flowering stages? I thought this would be benificial for the plant because in nature a plant would only have around 14-10 around here when sprouting naturally so im trying to mimic their regular life cycle as much as possible.

I know this may seem silly but i pondered the idea and thought id ask professionals before doing so.

Thanks in advanced


Well-Known Member
you would be better off doing the 18/6 for 3 weeks then maybe 14/10 for one week and then flip to 12/12 i do 24/0 for three weeks then flip to 12/12


Well-Known Member
lol i am far from a professional but i highly doubt this will make any difference...i have thought about it myself before but the fact that cannabis can grow under 24/7 light without harm kind of makes me feel like the light changes don't have to be "natural".

smoke and coke

Well-Known Member
i like 24/0 early for a week or so, then go to 18/6 for the rest of the veg. usually around 7 weeks.

the plant will stretch when the light is too far away and during the dark period. so having a longer dark period early on will give you stetch.

dont confuse stretch (growing of the stalk) and growing (growing of leaf nodes)


Thanks for the reply's guys : ). I'm going to be starting a CFL grow very soon, currently waiting for seedlings to germinate so any input before i start is greatly appriciated, I'm growing inside but want to mimic nature as much as possible so i felt gradually giving the plant more light from seedling would lessen my chances of having a stressed plant. I know it may not have any beneficial effects but It can't hurt to try it out this time. "smoke'n'coke" i may just do exactly that, seems a lot less complicated then the idea i had : p.


Well-Known Member
he meant keep it simple, a weed is a weed so over thinking it isn't necessary. lol


Well-Known Member
exactly. put the bitches in 12/12 and tell them to like it. every improvement to my rooms or systems has been with the goal of what will make it easier on me.


exactly. put the bitches in 12/12 and tell them to like it. every improvement to my rooms or systems has been with the goal of what will make it easier on me.
Hahaha should i slap them around a little bit, let them know who's boss? I hear ya man ill just stick with whats easiest.


Well-Known Member
Of course you could always just start the grow at 12/12 right away and do the entire grow and save electrical cost altogether. That would make the K.I.S.S. system of growing very easy.