Question about the size of plants.

dro in the closet.

Active Member
I do not have much height to work with in my growing space. I was told that when your plant gets to its ideal height you can cut/rip the very top of the plant off and it will not get any taller, but rather grow out and more bushy. I was wondering if this was true? Or if there are any other methods?


Well-Known Member
Theres alot of info on this site about "TOPPING" a plant just search for it and its here i can show you how i did mine so you can see . 2nd pic is like 3-4 days later.. dunno what that dark crap is it went away thank god.. and last pic is how it looks today over 2 weeks after topping


New Member
Okay, Okay, Okay

Now I see how you topped and what happened.


My question is this, instead of whacking the top off, I have trimmed off a few leaf shoots as close to the stem as possible (where the pre-flowers are...) will that have the same effect or do I need to whack the top?



Well-Known Member
No don't cut that part of the plant, top it, fim it, lst it but do not cut it as you did...

Topping your plant doesn't mean it stops growing up, they will continue to grow up also can grow out, usually with two or more colas, I'm thinking lsting is more up your alley, as wutter stated do a search for it or check the faqs lots of awesome information..

Good luck to you and your grow!


Well-Known Member
You didn't harm your plant but you did lose the branches that bud forms and potential clones, I wouldn't cut anymore, just let them grow...

dro, have you decided on what you are going to do, concerning topping etc...?
