Appreciate it for help. my basement is too humity and have some mold. Sounds like get a veg tent is better. if I want 10-20 small plants which tent size should I get? 3x3 or 4x4? and what if I get 4x4 tent should I get one more light? I currently have one mars 700w draw around 300w Thanks again for reply!
I like a 1m x 1m min for veg assuming I have double that or more for flowering
I like to leave some room so I can move around in there, also a 3 to 6 level shelf unit taking up 25% of the floor space is good for seedlings and clones
300w of led should be enough to veg up but you may want to get a 150w or 300w led unit for when they get bigger
they veg faster with more light but sometimes its that boost of light intensity going from veg to flower that makes them kick out buds hard
I had a veg that`s 2m x 1.2m
We use around 50% to 70% of the floor space for plants
I had a 600w mh running @ 400w in a cool tube and 300w (150w draw) blue heavy led panel in there
it was vegging up nice plants, but I swapped out the mh for a 300w induction put it closer to the plants, got the heat up by 2 to 4c they seem to like the induction better for veg might just be that its a naked bulb where as the MH was in a cool tube
So yeah like 300w to 600w of led (draw) should be more than fine for vegging
more red`s if you like tall plants, more blue light if you like them more bushey
I go bigger with my veg area as I like room for doing clones and starting autos for outside in the winter
if I have a extra space then I just flower off an auto in the veg
What I don`t like is having empty space in my bloom because my veg was too small or losing a nice plant because I don`t have room in veg for it