Question about stems and sprouts with photos


Active Member
I found my camera again! I'm pretty sure my plant has suffered the 'stretching' problem. I put the original seed in a makeshift pot, so that's why...

Is this going to mess everything up?

I'm also wondering if this looks healthy:

It should be splitting like that, right?

My setup, with the light A LOT closer...


Active Member
It looks like you are using flourecent lighting, and thats good for a small grow during vegitative growth. Concerning the plants touching the lights...I would suggest investing in some sort of way to raise your light at will (meaning when the plant grows an inch, raise the light an inch) they sell inexpensive movers at Hydroponics | Hydroponic Supplies . Look under Grow Lights, and then under Grow Light Movers and Hangers.

Best of luck to ya


Well-Known Member
yeah, that is one of the controversialities about florouscents. You get more efficiency out of floros as you can keep them quite close to the plant (therefore not wasting lumens to to distance) however it also requires moving the light many times, somtimes as often as once every day. However, it also depends on your strain, indicas (which i am growing) do not get as tall and you may not have to move the light that often, I have two indicas growing now under cfl's (4 per plant) and they are both under 4 inches tall. I have the lights about 3 - 4 in. fromtops of plants and I only have to move the lights every 4 - 5 days. So anyway, i wouldn't worry too much about them stretching now, as they are just seedlings, mine looked the same, and I compensated by building up soil around the stem when I transplanted. Good luck and let us know how it goes. ;)