Question about sprouting

I recently started my first grow with Aurora Indica and Jock Horror from Nirvana, germing and starting indoors in soil before putting them in the ground in my backyard.

So I was wondering what is the initial sprout supposed to look like when it first pokes through the soil? One of them seems to be sprouting but it's just the white tap root poking through. Is this normal or is an actual stem supposed to come directly out?

I ordered 5 feminized seeds of each strain and originally germed 3 of each by soaking in a cup of distilled water then placed in jiffy pots with soil from outdoors with organic tomato fertilizer(5-6-5) mixed in, but my dog got into them and tore some of them to shreds and knocked the soil out of the rest(12-24 hours after planting). I managed to gather some of the soil and fill about 3 of the pots back up in the unlikely event any might continue to grow. I physically found one seed(root no longer visible) and immediately placed it back into one of these pots. The aspiring plant in question is one of these, so I can't verify the positioning of the seed and was delighted when I noticed the root earlier today.

So is it normal that the root is growing up and out of the soil or should there be a stem emerging out of the soil instead? Should I let it grow as it is? For now I've sprinkled a bit more soil on top to cover the root because I don't know what to do.

All assistance is much appreciated. Also, currently germinating my four remaining seeds and planted a bagseed earlier today.


Active Member
When the sprout breaks the soil it could be folded over and the first 2 leaves can't remember the name they should follow it looks like a 2 leafed shamrock ,you should germ and sprout indoors under a CFL until the plants is big enough to put out,thats what I would do
When the sprout breaks the soil it could be folded over and the first 2 leaves can't remember the name they should follow it looks like a 2 leafed shamrock ,you should germ and sprout indoors under a CFL until the plants is big enough to put out,thats what I would do
Then it isn't normal that the root would break the soil? Are you aware of any way I could correct this?


That 5hit

Well-Known Member
Ah, I see. Thanks, 5hit. Another concern that I have is that where it's popping up is at the edge of the pot(which is already pretty small), so I think I'll either have to transplant to a different container or plant outdoors earlier than initially desired.

About at what stage would most growers go outdoors? 3-4 weeks?

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
Outdoor grow basics
start plants indoor under cfl
pay close attention to the weather and forcast
pick your spot(s) a place with no foot traffic other then your own (out of sight out of mind)
plant a few plants in differant locaton to increase your chances of survival,
an area that recive plenty of sun you may have to cut down some trees or high bush
you want to be nere a water source but not so close that the soil stays moist just so it can be easy to water when needed
first prep area by cleaning away rocks a sticks and digging holes equal to the size and shape of a 3-5 gal buckit
it's best not to use soil from the outdoor site
feel holes with fresh store brought soil and spread some kind of all-purpose time release fertilizer on top
once root system grow beyond pre feeled hole the plant should be better equiped to handle the soil from the outdoor site
transplant clones or seedling that have a good root system and at least 4-6 leaf sets (a tiny bush would be even better)
the bigger the plant the stronger it is and will servive a transpant to outdoors
place plant no closer then 24in - 48in apart
move outside Once the night temperatures stays above 45F (general rule of thumb 2 weeks after the last frost, or late may early june)