Question about seeds


So I am seeing that Nirvana is one of the best sites to get seeds from. My question is this :

Are they safe for US to ship to there house? ( slow question I know, Few mishaps have made this a more urgent matter then I would like ) I am only looking to order like 5 feminized seeds maybe 10 non.. Are femenized better way to go ?

Those are the questions I have for now about this.. ANY PM's or posts would be GREAT thank you and Happy Growing:-P


Well-Known Member
Yea the feminized are great, if you do want to make some seeds you could always stress a plant and it will hermaphrodite giving you pollen sacks. But to guarentee female aka buds, get the feminized. I wouldn't worry too much about ordering them, it's relativley safe, worst case they would just be confiscated.


Well-Known Member
yea go wit attitude they give freebees

Fem seeds are the only way to go my friend.

I got mine from VSB in Vancouver..they get them directly from Amsterdam (Green House Seed Co.) best of the best.

This way you pay no duty and no worries about them getting confiscated at customs. They have a store in Vancouver so you can call and talk to somebody directly if u wish, or just order online.

You can check out Green House Seed Co. on the net or on You Tube to see actual vids of the buds they grow.