Question about SCROG...


Active Member
If anyone out there has seen my new grow journal of my first grow, then you would know that I am growing between the drop ceiling and the actual ceiling in my basement.

There is a foot and an inch or so between the drop ceiling and the bottom of the cross beams, a foot and 9 inches between the drop ceiling and the very top of the ceiling, and 1 foot 3 inches between each beam. Here is a picture of it so maybe you can understand a bit more.

My question is this: After I complete the grow I'm working on now, do you think it would be possible to start a SCROG of maybe 2-4 plants up there? I was thinking about putting a large tent structure up there to contain it all, and I was just wondering what your guys' thoughts were on the idea. I don't know how much height you need to do a Screen of Green grow, so here I am.

Thanks, Peace



Active Member
Ya, I had read most of that page before posting, and just read the rest of what I didn't read. I still can't find how much height you need for this method... One example says to build an 8' tall cabinet, others say to place the screen 8"-12" above the medium, but I just want to know the minimum, total height, lights and all, for this method. I'm guessing I won't be able to squeeze it up into my ceiling, lol, but it was worth the research.


Well-Known Member
So 1 foot 9 inches from the bottom of the growing space to the top, so 21 inches, it's definitely doable as a ScrOG and only one plant or maybe two (it'll be hard to get to the growth near the back), you can small rubbermaid like container that is only 6" high but much wider than most pots, that'll save a little vertical space, then put the screen 8" above the pot, so 14" above the bottom of the grow space. You'll have to use CFLs and figure out how you want to mount them or fix them so that you can raise/lower them.