Question about Sativa


Active Member
Well I've been reading around for awhile but it seems almost all of you guys have indica strains growing, I have a sativa plant going. It's about 12" tall and sprouting it's 7th node right now. I was wondering when I should start a flowering light cycle on it. It's a little taller than it probably would be right now because I had some stretching when it was a seedling. Anyhow, time isn't a real factor and it's yet to show any sign of sex, should I go ahead and start flowering or what?


Well-Known Member
Well I've been reading around for awhile but it seems almost all of you guys have indica strains growing, I have a sativa plant going. It's about 12" tall and sprouting it's 7th node right now. I was wondering when I should start a flowering light cycle on it. It's a little taller than it probably would be right now because I had some stretching when it was a seedling. Anyhow, time isn't a real factor and it's yet to show any sign of sex, should I go ahead and start flowering or what?
You can go ahead and start flowering any time.

Most people grow indica's because they grow faster, and gives you more of a narcotic high. Although well grown sativa can be an amazing smoke, most people will also say its harder to grow good sativa.

Yeah, you can switch her to flower any time. Make sure she is fully rooted in her final pots before switching though.



Active Member
yeah I have her in a roughly 4 gallon pot I kind of made myself. Not quite as big as I would like but I blew what little budget I had on lights and nutes so....
I have another set of seeds sprouting right now this time I won't screw up and stretch them out. It's a first grow for me, I guess living in the southern US I have a much higher chance of getting sativa it is bag seed, but it was damn good bag seed. Even though the bud had been brutalized by the time it got to me it was a really good high, which is the only reason I even started this little experiment.
In the end I'll be happy with just about any result. I'm guessing I'll probably want to flower a little longer with the sativa than the indica too huh?


Well-Known Member
if its a foot now it will most likely be between 3 and 4+ feet when its fully mature if you switch the lights over now so take space into account


Active Member
For the moment it has a entire closet to itself not really worried about space, it's sitting just barely above floor level with 8 feet to the ceiling so it should be fine there too.. thanks for the info guys, I'll start 12/12 tonight


Well-Known Member
I've got several sativas going right now. I did alot of trimming on mine to get them to branch out into multiple tops. I vegged for about 2 months, and they have been flowering for 7 weeks tomorrow. The strains call for 12-14 weeks to finish flowering, so I am counting on the 14 weeks. I have a harvest date, and I planned it from when I started them in 12/12. They did stretch about 2x their size after I changed them over, but I had planned for it so it wasn't a problem. They all have some great looking collas forming, but even at seven weeks its obvious they ahve alot more time to go. I have a WW plant which is a hybrid (indica/sativa) and it is at just over 6 weeks, and it is so much farther along then the sativas. Its only got about 4 more weeks according to the breeder, but I'm prolly gonna flush it in about 4 weeks, and give it another 1-2 weeks of flush, so it will lend up getting about 11-12 weeks in the end. You can check out my journal if you wanna see what the sativas look like. There are pictures about 2-3 pages from the end. Peace man, hope the grow goes well!!


Well-Known Member
how do you tell the straines?

Sorry to double post, just thought I'd answer this.

Indica plants tend to stay shorter, and have big fat leaves. Where as sativas tend to grow taller, and lankier, and have long slender leaves. I good hybrid is a combination of both.:peace: TC


Well-Known Member
I just finished 2 sativa grows..Kali Mist and Colombain Red Haze....Both took approx 100 days in flower! But the smoke and high is out of this world.