Question about Reserva Privada seeds.


Well-Known Member
Greetings all,
I have recently gotten some RP seeds named The #18 Fems.
I am wondering how well they will fare outside?
Has anyone grown this particular strain outside and what where the results?
Hope everyone has had a wonderful holidays.
I know we have.:clap:


Well, I just recently grew out some of their OG#18, if thats the same as the ones you have, I wouldn't grow them outside. Mine got very top-heavy and they will stink to the high heavens. They also seemed to not like climate changes. I had some humidity problems and they drooped real quick. Had a powdery mold issue as well because it had very dense buds. I know it sounds all bad, but it was an amazing plant, very aromatic, tasty, and potent. Very kushy aftertaste, smooth smoke. Excellent genetics, but from my experiences, I wouldn't grow it outside. (If we are talking about the same strain)