Question About Reflective surfaces during Veg State.

Okay, So currently, doing a micro grow. 7 plants in a stealth guitar amp grow box.
Each sprout is about 8-9 days old from seed, about 2-4 inches each.

The entire box is lined with mylar and Aluminum foil for reflective surfaces for the light.

My question is, would lining the rim of the solo cups with mylar or aluminum benefit the sprouts a bit more? Or would it just be a waste of time?

My guess so far is, possibly.

Considering, adding a reflective surface that surrounds the plant would allow more light to hit the steam, and under the leaves.

:D Any input is appreciated


Well-Known Member
what you could do, would be create a tray that has the exact inner dimensions of the inside of your amp (Props on that too it sounds pretty badass) line that tray with foil, and cut holes into it that that will fit the cups, and leave space for the weed to grow through, but be careful you leave enough room between plants so that they can grow, and remember you still gotta water them bitches! what you are doing is effectively making the room smaller so the light reflects off of a more confined space


Well-Known Member
it will make your light more efficient, I couldn't prove that it helps or doesn't help, but it gives you more light directly on your plant and different areas which would be able to photosyntesis better with the more readily available space. Think of the light that would go down to the bottom, the floor of your cabinet. that is going to nothing, might as well reflect it to where it hits the bottoms of branches
Lol, I already thought about that issue with light hitting ground, i lined the bottom of the box with mylar as well when i built the box. all 6 sides inside the box are reflective.

Thanks for the input, i think i will line 2 of my cups to see if there is any noticeable difference. ( 2 of the sprouts are being stubborn and growing slower than the others )

So maybe this will help them A ) Catch up to their sisters height, or B ) Just make them grow even nicer :D