Question about pots I'm using


Active Member
The pot's I'm growing my plants in have a water-minder reservior drainage system, does anyone know what this is and how it effects my watering cycle?


Well-Known Member
i believe the excess water will be drained into a reservoir and hold there for you to drain it so your excess water doesn't drain onto the floor.


Active Member
water-minder..... ya dont say.... i have no idea what that is but youll know when to water b/c the top layer of soil will dry out and feel crispy. try taking a picture of this water-minder system that the kids are talking about

Brick Top

New Member
As I understand them to be they are pots with a built in drip tray where water will run to so your plants roots will not be sitting in water and end up with root rot. In that way they are good. My only question is what happens when the built in drip tray system is full? Will the roots then be in water or is there an overflow or an easy way to pour out the accumulated water? You should be able to tell that by looking at them.

As long as your plants are not sitting in water, when the roots are low enough in the pots to then be in water, you are fine. If plants are younger and their roots are not low in the pots if your pots are sitting in some water it is not a problem and what will happen is as moisture in the pots is lost to evaporation and transpiration the water in the drip trays will be wicked up replacing the lost moisture. It will not be enough to cause root rot IF it is not a continual situation. It will only slightly extend the amount of time between watering since you would still then allow your soil to dry out somewhat before watering again. But if left in water, even a small amount, continually, especially if roots fill the pots, you will definitely risk a root rot situation.

Little Tommy

Well-Known Member
Most of them I have seen are pretty easy to drain and there is a dead air space between the top of the res and the bottom of the potting soil so there is no way to have your roots laying in water. The ones that I have seen do not allow for much drainage into the res, maybe about 8 ounces.


Active Member
I don't have access to a camera at the moment but I can say that there is a drain plug in the bottom that I have pulled out since the pots are sitting on a short plastic container. It is labeled "self-watering" which is confusing as all hell when the soil gets dry.


Active Member
that makes sense...there is probably a reservoir that holds the excess water. its "Self Watering" because the runoff water is collected in the reservoir and when the soil is dry it pulls the water out of the reservoir and into the soil. I have a few pots like that, just be sure not to over water and it should be good to go. be careful about standing water in those reservoirs because it could cause an algae/insect problem.
