Question about pot size. (not plant pot lol)


So im curious if there is a too big when first potting a germinated seed. bit late for me I've already got a seedling. but I'm going to be reading up on transplanting maybe. Or is it okay to just leave it in the same pot? Just curious im really new to all of this. I'm gettin the basics but still learning.



Ah thanks again lol. Yea that makes sense now. I've just been tinkering around with it. I guess by that time I'll be able to get some new soil, lights and such. spoil it after the transplant.

EDIT: And actually when should one transplant? Mine has its leaves seperated. goin on day 3 tomorrow. and it has tiny second pair of leaves.


Well-Known Member
Transplanting is not my strong suit, I prolly transplanted my gils 7 ish times trying to get it right LoL But since no one else is answering I will tell U what I think I've learned. U should transplant out of starter pot when she has some good strength to her stem and is ready for the stress. She should go into something that will hold her for some time as U only want to replant her 1 more time ideally. When she is to big for that pot and close to root bound get her into her final pot...
