Question About Photoperiod Plants and Maintaining the Dark Cycle


New Member
1st real grow in a long time and 1st post on RIU so be gentle...

Growing ILGM feminized GSCEx in soil in pots ("mother plant" and it's main stem clone) - outdoors for daytime (6-8 hrs full sun) , inside every night (for security and humidity/mildew concerns)

I thought I would have to artificially trigger 12/12 light cycle because they need to finish up
before potential October frosts in E Central NJ - I was waaaaay wrong!

Seeds started in April switched on their own to flowering in mid-July (~90-100 days)

My practice has been to put them on the deck at 8 am and move them around on the deck (to maximize full sun) and bring them in at night at 7 pm.. give them 30 min of fanning to cool down and blow off potential powdery mildew spores, and then they go in the "dark pen" til 7am the next morning. ("Dark pen" = big cardboard boxes with contractor bags draped over the top to minimize light/light interruptions - ~ 80-90% effective 12 hrs darkness)

Now in late August, they are ~39+ days/70 days into flowering...

Do I need to keep them in the "dark pen" at night or just don't bother because they are so genetically into flowering
and getting closer to harvest? Should I increase the dark time?

I'm getting good trichome development... but not great bud packing weight

Any help would be appreciated and thanks to everyone for all the great info and posts on this site :)

I'm not a robot or troll, and yes, I have issues with yellowing, but that's another issue and post :wink:whole plant.jpg


New Member
weather says 13:20 daylight ...I usually assume I get full sun for 6-8 hrs, and blow off shade and anything between 7:00 am - 9:00 am (low light) and then after 4:00 pm (low light ) as not really full sun (but actual light)..

So in one sense, that is my question?.... for a full (in the ground outdoor grow)...plants hopefully get 8 hrs full sun, and then a few hours of early/late sun. So do I need to let them get that "partial sun" time or try for full on max sun/12 hrs darkness? Or do I keep with the current "light/dark" cycle to not mess up the last few weeks...losing lots of leaves right now and hoping to have enough mass to make it to some sort of harvest...
I'm a worrier :(
They flipped to flowering in July...I thought it would be August based on daylight time...but again, I bring them inside at nite


Well-Known Member
I read somewhere that 13:30 will keep them in flower.. So let the sun do its thing..
We're all worriers!!