Question about ph

My solution was brand new with the pen at the time.
But dude we’re talking a decade ago lol.

i just use pH drops now.

as long as I’m between 5.5-6 on my colour chart I’m happy.
Ya that's how I used to do it. It works. But I like to have a bit more accuracy
Are you using old solution to calibrate? That's usually the reason they won't go into CAL mode
Happened with my b-lab ppm pen I emailed them and they told me to get new solution. I did and it calibrated fine after.

My response should have said solutions.

when the pen began playing up I’m pretty sure at one point I was calibrating 4, 7 and 10 to try and get it to cal.

Each time was new solution from the bottle in a cleaned and dried vessel and then discarded after calibrating (when it did lol).

Ya that's how I used to do it. It works. But I like to have a bit more accuracy

I’m not so worried about pH preciseness. If you’re specifically trying to steer a certain nutrient uptake to target a specific “best” pH for that nutrient then ofcourse preciseness is best.

But I don’t overly worry about it the same as I don’t stress about VPD ranges too much.
I'm in the woods pretty much. Someone came in and drilled a well for my place. My whole place is hooked up to it. I really hope my Ph isn't actually 5. I tested Publix bottled water. Same 5ph.... so maybe it's my GH solution. I went down a rabbit hole and I can't find a good PH pen. Bluelab is expensive and if it breaks you have to pay for shipping to get them to analyze it. I'm not trying to cut corners. But I also don't want to spend like 130$ on a pen.

You don't need to spend big on a pen to get accuracy. Even a cheap pen will work fine if you check calibration often and keep it in storage sol'n between uses. I trained as a a chemist so have kept my pH pen working OK for close to a decade now.

You're going to want pH4 and 7 calibration sol'ns. The pre-mixed liquid ones are what I use but many pens will come with some powdered salts you mix with water to make them. Get yourself some distilled water from a drug store to mix them with as tap water will almost certainly throw them off. Only 3 - $5/gal so not much. Follow the directions exactly to get it right.

Also get some storage sol'n to keep your pen in when not using. I keep a spray bottle with distilled or good RO water in it to rinse off the probe before and after use. Most pens have a cap you can put the storage sol'n in and sand the pen in an empty jar or cup to keep it upright.

If that bottled water also tested at 5 then it's got to be the test sol'n. That is never sold at low pH. Lemon juice is about 5 or lower.

The real pH of your well water is more likely close to 8 if anything. My dugout water which is also our tap water is pH8 and 400ppm depending on season. Just about to get diluted with spring runoff here so will drop to around pH 7.5 and 250 - 300ppm for a couple months.

Is it possible to calibrate a ph/ppm/ec pen in distilled water only? And is there anything diy that I can make to store the probe?
No to the first question, yes to the second question.

Water from my city is average 300ppm l add a tablespoon or two of epsom salts to 400 or 500ppm approx and nute up to 1200ppm depending on stage, can be as low as 700ppm. I mix pure by cannapro in 5g bucket. Works well for me, lf l stay on top of spidermites. Even one part mixes can use a tweaking here and there. City water fluctuates so l test every time when feeding with ppms as guide.
No to the first question, yes to the second question.

Funny man. I guess you learned something last time I posted that thread, :bigjoint:
Funny man. I guess you learned something last time I posted that thread, :bigjoint:
Actually I learned about when the thread was first posted a couple of years ago. At the end of the day though, I decided to just buy the drops, because they are cheap and a little go a long way.
Hey I am really leaving towards the drops.
Will it still test correctly with the nutes changing the color of the water?

Depends how badly the colour of the nutes makes the solution but usually yes it can still read correctly.

I like GROWTH TECHNOLOGY pH drops and the SERA PH dropper test for aquariums.
Depends how badly the colour of the nutes makes the solution but usually yes it can still read correctly.

I like GROWTH TECHNOLOGY pH drops and the SERA PH dropper test for aquariums.
I know my veg nuke makes it a heavy tannish brown color.

so when I go to drop test it it should still turn the color I’m aiming for? Once I adjust the ph up or down.
I know my veg nuke makes it a heavy tannish brown color.

so when I go to drop test it it should still turn the color I’m aiming for? Once I adjust the ph up or down.

It should be fine.

but there’s no real way to know without trying it.

Obviously if you use something that colours the water very blue etc then you may get issues.

could you mix up a batch and show the colour of your solution once mixed?