question about PH up and down.


Well-Known Member
When you get PH up and down, you know that little bottle that says "PH test indicator" on it? My question is, how accurate is that to measure my waters PH? I made the mistake of buying 2 cheap ass PH pens that are garbage..So anway, how accurate is it? Thanks


Well-Known Member
PH test strips are fairly accurate but you'd go through them fairly quickly. A good quality pH pen is worth it's weight in gold, if you're really into checking pH regularly then the $100 you spend on a blue lab pen is worth it IMHO. I use mine every day and calibrate it once a week.

420 happends

Active Member
i am currently using the same test kit you got huxley. and i must say its outstanding i think its very accurate i say, at first it was hard to find a good solid ph like my tap water was well over 7.3 it was around 7.8-8.0 and with the test kit i was able to bring it down to around 6.3-6.5 and my plant is doing amazing made a few clones already but yea man i recommend that PH test kit.. Good Luck


Well-Known Member
I use the ph stick/truncheon as opposed to the pen..self calibrating, easy on the back.... Love my 2 sticks! (ppm/ec also)


Well-Known Member
they are accurate... except the granularity is low, and it means interpreting colors consistently, which for some people can be difficult.
I use them as backups since they are cheap.


I got both the strips and a cheap tester, does anyone know of any affordable PH up and down bottles we can buy online?


Well-Known Member
i use protekt silica, which is very alkaline, as ph up. and fulvic acid which is a nutrient chelator as ph down. this way my products are serving multiple purposes


Well-Known Member
I gave up on pH meters due to precision issues...I just go with the pH strips now and it has worked out fine.


Active Member
When you get PH up and down, you know that little bottle that says "PH test indicator" on it? My question is, how accurate is that to measure my waters PH? I made the mistake of buying 2 cheap ass PH pens that are garbage..So anway, how accurate is it? Thanks
The strips are fairly accurate. Though it depends on the brand you use how easy it is to see the pH changes...