Question about Nutrient Ratios and Dilution

Hello. I need help with problem I have been having for the last few days.

I am trying to use fertilizer injectors which inject fertilizer at a ratio of 1:200
which means that every it mixes 1L of fertilizer A to 200L of fertilizer B; 50ml to 10L, 5ml to 1L. Simple yes?

So lets say I need 1:666 ratio for a certain fertilizer, which is 15ml per 10L. or 1:4000 which is 2.5ml to 10L.

How Would I dilute, with water, a fertilizer that require 1:666 ratio to inject from a 1:200 ratio fertilizer injector.

If for the clone phase, I need 25ml per 10L which is a 1:400 ratio, will I be able to dilute half nutrient and half water to get a 1:200 ratio? Assume the water is R.O water.

Thank you for taking the time to answer. I will still try to figure it out, but it would be real nice if I can get some help.


Well-Known Member
Hello. I need help with problem I have been having for the last few days.

I am trying to use fertilizer injectors which inject fertilizer at a ratio of 1:200
which means that every it mixes 1L of fertilizer A to 200L of fertilizer B; 50ml to 10L, 5ml to 1L. Simple yes?

So lets say I need 1:666 ratio for a certain fertilizer, which is 15ml per 10L. or 1:4000 which is 2.5ml to 10L.

How Would I dilute, with water, a fertilizer that require 1:666 ratio to inject from a 1:200 ratio fertilizer injector.

If for the clone phase, I need 25ml per 10L which is a 1:400 ratio, will I be able to dilute half nutrient and half water to get a 1:200 ratio? Assume the water is R.O water.

Thank you for taking the time to answer. I will still try to figure it out, but it would be real nice if I can get some help.
Lets see if I have my math hat on this morning, first cup of coffee and my pipe. Guess I don't totally understand what you are trying to do but if you are mixing these nutes you should break it down into liters and go from there.
example - your mix of 25 ml to 10 L of water that is 2.5 ml per liter of water. just figure out how big of mix and then add the mls per liter of water you intend on using.
So once you know the liters of water just add the right amount of mls per mix. I think you are just overthinking this, break it down to the simplest terms which is ml of nute per liter of water.
If this doesn't totally make sense please feel free to PM and we can work it out.
The reason I am trying to figure this out is because I want to use a [h=3]Dosatron Water-Powered Non-Electric Chemical Injectors[/h]as a nutrient injector for a 2x600w high pressure vertical aeroponic grow.. They usually come in fixed ratios of 1:200.

So it's not a matter of how much per liter because I am not HAND mixing it into a giant res, I will pump the water as it will be needed into an 100PSI 10GAL accumulator tank.

Since I am using an injector, I will regularly need to change my stock fertilizer tank, since I would have to dilute it with water to get a less concentrated dosage. At 5ml per 10L the ratio will be 1:200

But at 1.5ml per 1L, it is 1:666, If I used the dosatron nutrient injector, how would I dilute the nutrient so that I get 1:666 ratio out of the 1:200 fixed rate injector.

I am still kind of confused over the math. Any one have any idea? I plan to write a journal when I start my project.


Well-Known Member
Ok.. say your nutrient tank holds 2 gallons and you are running at 1 to 100. This means you would make 200 gallons of nutrient mix. So, you use 3 teaspoon of part A and 1 teaspoon part B per gallon for example.

You put 600 teaspoons of A and 200 teaspoons of B into your tank and top off with water. You would of course translate teaspoons to milli-iters. This only works of course if your tank is larger than 800 teaspoons :)


Well-Known Member
The reason I am trying to figure this out is because I want to use a Dosatron Water-Powered Non-Electric Chemical Injectors

as a nutrient injector for a 2x600w high pressure vertical aeroponic grow.. They usually come in fixed ratios of 1:200.

So it's not a matter of how much per liter because I am not HAND mixing it into a giant res, I will pump the water as it will be needed into an 100PSI 10GAL accumulator tank.

Since I am using an injector, I will regularly need to change my stock fertilizer tank, since I would have to dilute it with water to get a less concentrated dosage. At 5ml per 10L the ratio will be 1:200

But at 1.5ml per 1L, it is 1:666, If I used the dosatron nutrient injector, how would I dilute the nutrient so that I get 1:666 ratio out of the 1:200 fixed rate injector.

I am still kind of confused over the math. Any one have any idea? I plan to write a journal when I start my project.
It's late, so I'm not sure if I'm reading right, but it sounds like you would want to do less than 1/3 of your 1.5 since 666/200=3.33........... Would give you about .45 ml.