question about my yield

how much do you think my white widow and blue dream will yield by end of their life at 13 weeks.

i have a 400 watt hps and heavy 16 nutrients only.

white widow plant is 2 feet tall with two tops, and on each top has 4 more tops.
blue dream is 2 feet tall with just two tops.

ww is left
blue dream is right


how much do you think my white widow and blue dream will yield by end of their life at 13 weeks.

i have a 400 watt hps and heavy 16 nutrients only.

white widow plant is 2 feet tall with two tops, and on each top has 4 more tops.
blue dream is 2 feet tall with just two tops.

ww is left
blue dream is right
lookin nice


Well-Known Member
They look so healthy i was going to say 2. What you guys think. Look at that green. Seems to tell a lot to me.


Well-Known Member
Yeah you should have a nice harvest. Given the size of the plant you will probably find yourself cutting the tops off and letting the underside finish for a week or two longer. Possibly even 3 phases. That is a beautiful plant, nice work.... Next go round consider LST or supercropping to keep your plant low profile and flower a bit earlier. Prolly gonna have a lot of popcorn from under the canopy. Veg looks absolutely gorgeous! Gonna have some nice colas for sure.

I've never used a 400w but I would say 1.5-2 oz of nice tips and another 1.5-2 oz of popcorn from each plant. Some of the buds will go in with your trim most likely. Those are big emeffers but you might consider some kind of lighting to help underneath the canopy if you want to go for max development underneath.

Good luck!
so its been 15 days since start of flower. white widow is growing hairs all over and the main tops are growing buds finally it looks like.

the blue dream is finally caught up to the WW and it starting to grow up in bud growth.

also the hydro bucket i have is doing ok. just barely showing its a female, it started flowering same time as the others.

the white widow has 14 main branches that are growing vigorously and producing a sweet, skunky aroma.

i hav some clones that were taken off the WW that are starting to flower too. they barely have any roots. maybe ill just let em go along side.

blue dream is stretching quite a bit tho. i mean, its grown way above the WW.
i need odor control pretty soon because the neighborhood is starting to reek and my neighbors bitched to the police again. how fucked up they are telling me i need to put a carbon filter on. stupid mormon fuckers....the aroma is going out my window, into the backyard, not into their house directly.

