question about my sprouts


Active Member
hello i have 5 sprouts atm, (would have pics but camera is lost). i have a question about my 5. they seem to be growing rapidly but one of the plants leaf is like growing in an O shape and it looks like theres white residue on the leaves on like 2 of them, can anyone explain this?


Well-Known Member
yea and if their are just sprouts it should out grow the abnormality...also what kine water are you using? the white residue may be from salt or chlorine


Active Member
just tap water, checked the ppm and ph and they are pretty reasonable, within range for sure. but ill let my water sit out over night this time, my fan broke the other day so they got rlly hot and rlly dry so i had to improvise


Active Member
yeah that was my 1st thought too, i only had 2 seedlings at the time, i have 5 now but one of the ones that was in when the fan broke, it is still all green and stuff but it hasnt grown where as the other one has grown alot and doesnt look effected by the heat. but it looks to be doing alright i might lose that one seedling but meh it happens


Well-Known Member
the one that was out just may be a little shocked give her a few days and she should bounce back to normal