Question about my kin (pics)


Active Member
I planted these babies in early may, putting them around there third month of growth. What i need to know is, are the pots my plants are in deep enough for the roots to grow out? Or will I need to transplant them into the ground. Also, I was wondering around what time will flowering begin, and what are some early signs to tell me. Also, this is my first time growing, theres a closeup of the top of my plant, showing a purple tinge to the leaves and a group of bunched leaves... is this normal? Also, a frog on one of the leaves, just putting in because it made me lol.



Well-Known Member
Yeah, you should repot or tp to the ground asap.

I don't know what you should do with the two that are in the same pot, I wouldn't risk seperating them and damaging the undoubtedly tangled roots. If it were me I'd dig a big hole, fill with some primo organic soil and put the whole rootball of the two plants in there as is. You're lucky they haven't choked each other out yet.

What kind of flowering nutes do you have?

Do you know the strain or are they bagseed sticky?

Nice looking plants, man. Should put off a respectable yield, especially if you get them in the ground nao!


Well-Known Member
Ya can leave them in the pots. The plants are grown and ya have plenty of roots to flower nice big nugs.


Active Member
I got the seeds from a beaster bag I was smoking, and the only nutrients I have are just the generic miracle grow plant food, which i havent added yet. Should I go buy a different brand? And I'll get em in the ground tomorrow, btw thats only 1 plant in that pot, I just stuck a stick in there to try and get it to grow straight.


Well-Known Member
I got the seeds from a beaster bag I was smoking, and the only nutrients I have are just the generic miracle grow plant food, which i havent added yet. Should I go buy a different brand? And I'll get em in the ground tomorrow, btw thats only 1 plant in that pot, I just stuck a stick in there to try and get it to grow straight.
O I C, looked like a stem :dunce:

People seem to have good results with MG, just make sure they are flowering or 'bloom' nutes and start around 1/4 strength.


Active Member
I'll look into the MG, when would be a good time to add it, like right after I transplant them into the ground? I plan on doing that tomorrow, btw


Well-Known Member
they might go into shock when u transplant them, so wait like a couple of days... i mix a tablespoon into a gallon and water and feed 2 plants off that gallon..... remember thats pretty consintrated but they are outside and i water with just plain water at least two times a week... plus the rain will wash some of the nutes away. When i grew inside in pots, i would use the same strength but i would only do a 20 ounces a week. Good luck with the transplant.. :joint::hump:


Well-Known Member
thats awesome, im glad you took the time to do it. You wil be satisfied with the results... good luck :blsmoke:


Active Member
Thanks guys, one more question...I mixed the soil with miracle grow potting soil, would adding more nutrients for flowering be overdoing it? Could this possible harm the plants rather then help? I used about a bag and a half in total in the mix.