Question about mini's


Active Member
This is my second grow, the first was ok dont think I waited long enough--ROOKIE mistakes...Im a bit more prepared now:wall:

I have a mother, from her I clipped some clones (6), right after they sproted some roots I put them in 12/12 **oh I have one from seed I let it run with the clones

I clipped on Feb 2, but didnt place in 12/12 until Feb 15 they are between 4 and 5 inches right now. I worry about space how tall are they gonna get and how big a pots do the little ones need to be in to max out:joint:

I can not get my temps to stay below 82 degrees so I keep that little fan running when the lights are on:leaf::blsmoke:



Active Member
I can not beleive I couldnt get not one of you guys to tell me what size pot to put these darlings in or how tall they may get......this is the place I found the inspiration to even try growing. Are the questions that DUMB!


Well-Known Member
Put them into 8 inch diameter pots if you flower at that size. Even if you flower them at 5 inches they could grow to over 24 inches. I have never had a plant flower properly and finish less than 20 inches. If you get all runts than they won't get much bigger at all and also won't yield barely anything either. Just put into 8 inch pots and let finish. With alot of light on a little plant like that you may get 10 grams by how many plants you have.