Question about lighting and seeds


Active Member
I had a bunch of seeds in an aerogarden and recently removed them after a week and looks like nothing really happened besides them getting a little lighter on the side that was facing the lights and they are a bit bloated. So I wanted to know if these will be any good now that i planted them in some soil? I also just bought 2 100 watt cfls and have 2 20 wat fluro tubes on about 9 cups with seeds in them. Is this too much light? What kind of lighting schedule should I have while trying to hatch some seeds?



Well-Known Member
Always germinate first using the paper towel method or water cup method. Really important for aerogarden users. =)

I had a bunch of seeds in an aerogarden and recently removed them after a week and looks like nothing really happened besides them getting a little lighter on the side that was facing the lights and they are a bit bloated. So I wanted to know if these will be any good now that i planted them in some soil? I also just bought 2 100 watt cfls and have 2 20 wat fluro tubes on about 9 cups with seeds in them. Is this too much light? What kind of lighting schedule should I have while trying to hatch some seeds?
