Question about light leaks


Well-Known Member
talking about what kind of tent to buy and to be careful to choose a tent that isn't notorious for light leaks.
I don't have anything to add as to the harmfullness of light leaks, but the amount of light getting in increases with time; tents deteriorate, it's unavoidable. When new my tent had zero pinholes, now it is full of them from the fabric stretching around the stitching.

I just want to suggest to those who are worried about light leaks to get a piece of fabric long enough to wrap around the tent, then pin it into a box at the top. The fabric doesn't have to be thick/insulating or even light proof. It just needs to diffuse the light and prevent high intensity spots coming through the pinholes. Plus now you can have a tent with a picture/pattern if it's in a living area.


Well-Known Member
I personally think the whole light leak think is BS. I know for a fact my 4x4 has leaks where my cords come into a vent, which is right next to a window, as well as at a couple seams by another vent down low. I can see a tiny amount coming in when I'm in there with the lights off. The one time I had a female stress was in the opposite corner and side of the tent of where the light shines.


Well-Known Member
on my first grow i had some pollen sacks ( got around 15 seeds) but i think it was more due to my inexperience in soil grows which lead to some deficiencies and some salt buildups. I was growing in my closet with the door covered by a blanket, i'm sure it was letting light through but i didn't have any other choice. Now on my second grow i didn't find any pollen sacks with the same blanket covering the door but i'm growing in coco coir and i am mastering nutrients pretty well and my plants were happy for the entire grow.


Active Member
As the OP I stand by my original question and the intent behind it. The whole purpose of this forum is so that people who cultivate cannabis can talk about things that come up in their grow. With over ten years of indoor growing experience, my question was born out of curiosity more than anything and I wanted to hear what others thought. The idea that there is some mythical blueprint that explains every eventuality and should be followed without asking any questions cracks ME up. Anyone who knows anything about growing knows it is not "one size fits all". People who get annoyed when legitimate questions are asked on a website designed specifically for those with questions about growing weed should probably try smoking some of the stuff they find so easy to grow.