Question about leaves


Well-Known Member
Yes in general its bad but we cant tell you how to fix it with out some more info like watering,feeding etc i could make guesses that its overwatered and or underfed
I use mother earths coco 70% coco 30% perlite it’s in week one of veg and I’m using tap water with a ph of 5.6 to 5.8 and I water when coco is almost dry I mixed Gia green 444 all purpose with worm castings before I planred the seed.
I’m using a HLG 600 rspec inside of a 4x4 grow tent. I had the light about 20 inches from the plant but I moved it to 36 inches away about three days ago when I noticed the yellowing


Well-Known Member
Is the yellowing of leaves a problem and if so can someone tell me what the problem may be and how to correct it.
A few years ago i had the same problem, i found that i was watering way too much. When i corrected my water cycle it went away. But be careful because this can happen from not watering enough also.


Active Member
mostly they're getting overloved in the first months... ;-) tbh i let them all fight in the first weeks esp. after getting out of the cloning box... i follow: what doesnt kill you makes you stronger and because im a fucking lazy piece of garbage... xD


Well-Known Member
Ya listen to myke, I dont grow in coco but its my understanding you feed every water. Go soil.