Question about intake/ventilation in my new room


Well-Known Member
I´ll try to keep it short and simple ..

just build my fist grow room (99% done .. will get the carbon filter tomorrow)

it is 10x3 feet and like 8 feet high .. end of a room ..

to day I got my outtake ventilation (canal ventilation 145/187 M3H)

View attachment 2193392

schould be ok for my space (187 M3H - room about 9M3 = 20,7 times a hour = evry 3th minut)



I put the ventilator up and fittet a black rubber cover with a zipper at the entrance ..


I have a intake in the bottom fare corner .. coverd with a perforatet plate ..

View attachment 2193412

View attachment 2193413

it is 3 feet long and 4 inchs high ..

is this enough for a passiv intake ?

when I turn on the ventilation it kind a suck the rubber cover in .. like 2 inchs or so .. after a minut or two it do seems to "relax" a bit though .. and I can feel the air at the intake (and see it with smoke :))

room also seem fine ..

out side temp. 75F

inside the grow room 78F

top of the plants (near the 600W HPS .. 2-3 feet away) 80F

but is it normal that the curtan is getting suckd in like that when ventilation is on ?

is it to strong or is the intake to small (schould I remove the perforatet plate ?)

or will it work out when I fit the carbon filter ? (reccon that it take some of the power from the vent. ?)


picture from inside



any other suggestions or comments are most welcome as it is my fist room/grow ..


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110 Views but 0 Replies :(

is`t ther anybody who use grow tents who know if it is normal for the cover/curtans to get suged in when ventilation is on ?

Im wondering if my intake is big enough .. schould I remove the perforatet plate ?


Well-Known Member
If it's sucking really hard just make the passive intake bigger. It may slow some with the filter on. Negative pressure is good when scrubbing air. Another option is a variable speed control for the fan.


Well-Known Member
110 Views but 0 Replies :(

is`t ther anybody who use grow tents who know if it is normal for the cover/curtans to get suged in when ventilation is on ?

Im wondering if my intake is big enough .. schould I remove the perforatet plate ?
I have a tent and had to add an active intake (fan) to keep the tent from imploding from the force of the exhaust fan on high. You can go with passive intakes but you will need a couple big ones when you can get away with 1 small(er) intake when using a fan.

Good luck and keep it green.


Well-Known Member
ahhh .. thanks a lot ..

so Negative pressure is good ..

thats kool Bc. that is exatly what it have .. maybe to much ? (can still set it on low "145 M3hr") if needed ..

will still be removeing the air evry 5 minuts or so .. guess thats might be good enough ?

can also remove the perforatet plate .. so I can easy make the intake even bigger (3x1 feet total open)

lets see .. I´ll try some diffrent stuff and see what works best for me (like with evry thing els it seems :) but nice with some guidelines and some suggestions)