question about hydro (first hydro grow)

Well first off recharge I use it awsome stuff.. hydroguard has some bennies in It as well but I prefer recgarge. As for the temps ideal is 65-68. The reason for the temp is keep root rot at bay. And better do levels. Personally I would recommend res change on Fri mix up recharge sepreitly in a little pitcher or cup about 12-to 24 Oz water. 1/4 tsp recharge mix really well and pour it directly at the plant stock. It will drip from top to bottom getting all the Bennie goodness on them. I could spend a hr talking about the awsome shit in rechage. Dudegrows out of Colorado knows there shit. During the week I would top off with plain ro/ph'd water. And add recharge at least 1 time a week I like to do it every time I add to me res. I used to use a chiller on my rdwc system but noticed it wasn't needed after I kept my root zone inoculated with beneficial microbiology.
So if I were to mix the recharge and hydroguard it would cause some type of form? Or would I benefit from it?? Recharge pretty much has the same shit. I don't use much of the hydroguard but I do notice some some forming. Idk tho
Look at the bottle what your going for is bio diversity. The foam is co2 being put off by the microbes eating and starting to colonize. So yes foam is a good thing..
Look at the bottle what your going for is bio diversity. The foam is co2 being put off by the microbes eating and starting to colonize. So yes foam is a good thing..

OK good, i just dont want a mess in my closet when i get home lol... ill drop about 1 oz per gallon of water. i have a 5 gal bucket so ill drop 5 oz of recharge and hopefully it doesnt cause to much form
Look at the bottle what your going for is bio diversity. The foam is co2 being put off by the microbes eating and starting to colonize. So yes foam is a good thing..
also, do you think the more airstones i have in my res the more form it will create?
5oz is way way way to much man. For a tea in a 5gal bucket with 2-3 gal water.I'll throw about 1 to 2 tablespoons of recharge . A handful of wormcastings(ancient forest is what
I use ) add 30 mil molasses and a few air stones 1 or 2 is all you need. For the worm castings put them in a tied up sock or panty house works the best. Otherwise you have to strain the shit out. If you want to get fancy you can use pretty much any of the name brand bennies. Great white ,voodoo juice, hydrogurad , zho and countless others. They all have the plus and minus but to each is own. Brew for 48 hrs after that add 1 cup per gal of your rez. Take the remaining tea put in a jug in the fridge will last 7 + days just smell it. If it smells like asshole it's bad should have a earthy smell. Add again 3-4 days later. This will be your best weapon against rootrot. Allowing you to get slightly higher water temps. Also the more diverse the tea you make will also help act as a buffer. Allowing a slightly larger ph swing. The fungi mycroizel and bacteria help the plant uptake nute also eating away at dead material. I tryed sterile rez for years started with teas won't look back turned off my chiller and couldn't be happier.