Question about heat??


This site is incredibly informative and I thank everyone for that. So I have a question. I'm going to be starting a new grow at a new place and I'm stuck, I was going to build a 6'x4'x8 room in the basement but its a semi daylight basement with a garage door and in the winter the temps are around 50-60f in there. I was hoping that if I insulated the room very well that a 400w hps being used for flowering would provide enough heat to keep the grow room up to temp. Also I would set the exhaust fan on the same timer in hopes to get the heat in when the light is off for 12hours. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thank in advance.
O and I'm using a similar method as and I'll have 2 90w led ufo for the moms and a 4 bulb 24" t5 for the cloner / veg


Active Member
heaters is what i use m8. oil filled are cheap to run, convector heaters are quite expensive but the heat outputs much bettter


I was hoping I wouldn't have to use a heater. If a heater is the only way. I'll probably get a grow tent and use a room upstairs

What are the day time temps? Maybe you can run the light at night when the temps are lower, off in the day when its warmer in there.


On the coldest days it may be in the 50's during the day and night. It stays pretty stable just not warm


Well-Known Member
I don't think a 400 is going to heat a room that size very well. I have a 600w running in my basement in an enclosed 9x8x6 room and it is a steady 85 in there and I have no ventilation yet. I guess it depends on how well you insulate it, but you will still need to vent air unless you plan on running Co2.

I would guess you might get +15 degrees with your 400, if you are lucky 20.


Thanks stumpjumper, I may bump up to a 600w but I'm only gonna have 8 maybe 12 flowering at a time. That's the only reason I was gonna use a 400w


Ever herd of a air cooler? They use cold air to cool the air. There cheap and easy to make and i'm sure you could make one to warm the air just as easy.


Well-Known Member
Go to home depot. They got little space heaters for like 20 bucks with thermostats. You'll have to play with the knobs until you hit the right temp for when it kicks in and turns off. I have one on stand by just in case. That 400 hps will put out some heat, with a small space heater you'll be set!


Well-Known Member
Go to home depot. They got little space heaters for like 20 bucks with thermostats. You'll have to play with the knobs until you hit the right temp for when it kicks in and turns off. I have one on stand by just in case. That 400 hps will put out some heat, with a small space heater you'll be set!
I agree, I have run a 4x4x8 box (insulated) in a barn when the highs for the week was below 0(that -18 C) a 400 hps on a flipflop relay w/ a small heater worked fine- had the heater on low so it drew about 600 watts when it ran. seemed to be off a whole lot more than on.


Thanks guys. I'll probably go get one of those heaters when the temps drop. I didnt even think of a small heater like that, for some reason i had a much larger heater in my head for no reason. As of now the room is finished and I got a few girls in the cloner!


Well-Known Member
instead of buying a heater that is very expensive to run, why dont you just add another light or upgrade to a 600w or 1000w. problem solved.


I'm getting a 600w hps and I over killed with insulation. 6mil plastic sheeting, 1" insulation board, crammed in some pink insulation then 3/8 plywood exterior wall. Hopefully it all works out. Thanks for the suggestions
U can run another grow side by side, with a flip box, so u can use the same ballasts... vent the exhaust into the rooms.. so when room A is off Room B will be heating Room A and vice versa. problem solved! haah amiiriiitte??


Well-Known Member
U can run another grow side by side, with a flip box, so u can use the same ballasts... vent the exhaust into the rooms.. so when room A is off Room B will be heating Room A and vice versa. problem solved! haah amiiriiitte??
This is a good idea if you run supplementary Co2 otherwise you are just recirculating old air.
