Question about growing Marijuana in Australia.


New Member
Hello all.

I am contemplating whether or not to start a guerrilla grow or not. A few questions have sparked into my mind that I need answered before I go ahead with it.

1. I have 2 minor cannabis possession offenses, if police were to find the plants in my neighborhood, would they come straight to me ? (I live in a very innocent semi-remote small neighborhood, I probably am the only person with these offenses)

2. How often would I have to visit the plants and when would I need to begin fertilizing them ?

And last but not least 3. An approximation on how much yield I would get, keep in mind the strain is sativa dominant (i dont know what strain it is) , the strain is rumored to be a hardy breed that can withstand tough environments and I will be using fertilizers and nutrients ?

Any advice would be sweet as :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
in any fascist run country where the police have larger budget than the education and the medical sectors combined, its best to keep an extremely low profile, in most cases such as yours you will be squealed on, by some one in your inner or outer social circle, to save their own situation, perhaps by someone just done time...?

1: A not enough evidence to come to you, but you may raise a red flag, its vital that you don't tell anyone if you must say you know someone who grows, just not say you

2: This really depends on the color of the flag that you instigated, a red flag may well imply that remote cameras have been fixed on your grow, to catch the grower in the act, for this reason its vital that you have your own camera, fixed on the only entrance, visits of 2-3 times a week is good, ensure that the plants are 2-3 ft(1M) high before transplant

3: false forensic shit lying about the grow is good, butts and burger wrapping from a bar use gloves at all times


New Member
Thanks for your advice vostok, it has given me great reassurance.

I plan on planting the seeds straight on location with a good potting mix, I am going to cut a two litre soft drink bottle in half and place the lower half on top of the seedling upside down so that no wild animals or insects can get to it whilst it is in its seedling form. It will not be possible for me to start them off anywhere else but the location I plan due to nosey neighbours. I'll be definitely using gloves the whole time and have told one close friend who is giving me the seeds.

I don't feel that I will be able to set up my own camera, and I highly doubt that police would try sabotage the spot with cameras of their own.

I have also thought of another thing, what happens with shoes? If police were to find the plants would they look for footprints? If so what is the most easiest way of covering them up that doesn't require tediously wrapping the soles of my shoes in electrical tape?


Well-Known Member
Thanks for your advice vostok, it has given me great reassurance.

I plan on planting the seeds straight on location with a good potting mix, I am going to cut a two litre soft drink bottle in half and place the lower half on top of the seedling upside down so that no wild animals or insects can get to it whilst it is in its seedling form. It will not be possible for me to start them off anywhere else but the location I plan due to nosey neighbours. I'll be definitely using gloves the whole time and have told one close friend who is giving me the seeds.

I don't feel that I will be able to set up my own camera, and I highly doubt that police would try sabotage the spot with cameras of their own.

I have also thought of another thing, what happens with shoes? If police were to find the plants would they look for footprints? If so what is the most easiest way of covering them up that doesn't require tediously wrapping the soles of my shoes in electrical tape?
Wellies ...gum boots or get a pair of high heels (LOL) from the used shoe shop
tho many will larh at this overkill, the cops in Oz are a vicious dumb lot,
that are very much into it for the adrenaline buzz,
so never underestimate them your loss!


Well-Known Member
I have also thought of another thing, what happens with shoes? If police were to find the plants would they look for footprints? If so what is the most easiest way of covering them up that doesn't require tediously wrapping the soles of my shoes in electrical tape?
Heavy socks worn over your shoes.


New Member
Wellies ...gum boots or get a pair of high heels (LOL) from the used shoe shop
tho many will larh at this overkill, the cops in Oz are a vicious dumb lot,
that are very much into it for the adrenaline buzz,
so never underestimate them your loss!
I can't think of any used shoe shops near my area so I think I might just go with Quispp's idea of socks :). The location I am growing at is fairly remote but has a nearby walking trail. The area has lots of plants and tree's as well and I think it will be great for blending the plants in.


Active Member
When you go visit your growspot, bring some nitrogen rich fertilizer (liquid) and sprinkle it where you step. This will make the grass and other plants grow faster and cover up your trail better. Wouldn't work in very arid, barren terrain...don't know what climate you have there... The thick socks idea is good when you're walking through mud or sandy/clay coil, rather than plants. Good luck!