Question about going back to veg....


Well-Known Member
Does anybody know if a plant can go back to veg even if it has been in flowering for 2 weeks + ?

Is it safe or will it hermi? I dont wanna mess it all up its just because i have a few extra plants in my tent and I am gonna put em outside to grow and leave em out there im jus thinking if its safe or what ?


Just this morning I found my Jack Herer had started flowering overnite! It's only 6" tall, kinda makes me laugh really... Anyway, I asked about it here and found out it could be re-planted where there is more sun, and will go back to veg in 2 weeks.

I honestly don't know the answer to your question other than a plant CAN go back to veg after beginning to flower. I would probably leave them alone, but it sounds like it would accomplish what you're looking for since the growth will be stunted for a bit. I'm only on my 2nd year of growing so I'm not sure if that's enough stress to hermie your lady or not.



Well-Known Member
Yeah thats the same problem I am having. The plant is too small to be budding this early and i know a reduction of yield will be the cause.
Im gona put them outside and hope for the best.... we have 15 hours of daylight and increasing here in Ontario so that should do the trick. Anybody else have any iidea or suggestion??
Maybe 10 in my 4x4x7 tent with a 400 watter will do a bunch of 1 ounce plants??