Question about "Flushing"?

Joint Monster

Well-Known Member
What I've always heard was that the colour of the ash had some representation of how well the herb was flushed and cured, (Black= not well/ white+grey= good). Well my medicine is out and my next batch is almost ready so I took some samples, the smoke was surprisingly well considering there was no cure or flush... which leads to my question, Is one clean watering sufficient in this case? I fed one watering with clean+ph'd water, just until run off. I'm contemplating cutting her down now, so I don't want to water again and have to wait for that to dry, I'm becoming impatient but she looks ready.

Underlined my question :)

Another quick question, can I harvest the top half of the plant, leave the bottom 4-5days to mature a bit more and then harvest the rest?
That is fine unless you are using mineral based synthetic fertilizer during the grow. These salts build up in the root zone and translate into poor flavor and aroma. Generally need to use a flushing agent when using synthetic nutes. I recommend the FoxFarm Sledgehammer because it contains Yucca Extract (carbs) as well as the flushing agent.

If you are organic, there is no reason to flush, even though some do
That is fine unless you are using mineral based synthetic fertilizer during the grow. These salts build up in the root zone and translate into poor flavor and aroma. Generally need to use a flushing agent when using synthetic nutes. I recommend the FoxFarm Sledgehammer because it contains Yucca Extract (carbs) as well as the flushing agent.

If you are organic, there is no reason to flush, even though some do

Do you smoke your root zone? I do not.. nor do I smoke the soil or roots..

Just like i lovecbeetos said.. does anything in nature get flushed? Do farmers flush apple trees, pears? Do I flush my veggy garden? Have I ever had an apple, pear, tomato , or cucumber taste of chemicals?

Why do people try and act as if cannabis is any different than any other plant on god's green earth and needs to be flushed, and that by dumping x amount of water through dirt will have a single effect on the taste or burn on the thing growing above ground is so retarded it's almost dumb funding..
That is fine unless you are using mineral based synthetic fertilizer during the grow. These salts build up in the root zone and translate into poor flavor and aroma. Generally need to use a flushing agent when using synthetic nutes. I recommend the FoxFarm Sledgehammer because it contains Yucca Extract (carbs) as well as the flushing agent.

If you are organic, there is no reason to flush, even though some do

Using Lucas Form.

Do you smoke your root zone? I do not.. nor do I smoke the soil or roots..

Just like i lovecbeetos said.. does anything in nature get flushed? Do farmers flush apple trees, pears? Do I flush my veggy garden? Have I ever had an apple, pear, tomato , or cucumber taste of chemicals?

Why do people try and act as if cannabis is any different than any other plant on god's green earth and needs to be flushed, and that by dumping x amount of water through dirt will have a single effect on the taste or burn on the thing growing above ground is so retarded it's almost dumb funding..

You make a solid point, but are you purposing that these "flushing solutions" sold at Hydro Shops are gimmicks? I mean a lot of people swear by flushing and others do not. How ever these products must do something, no?
Using Lucas Form.

You make a solid point, but are you purposing that these "flushing solutions" sold at Hydro Shops are gimmicks? I mean a lot of people swear by flushing and others do not. How ever these products must do something, no?

Yeah.. they make people spend their hard earned money on something that does nothing ..
People say plants will taste like chemicals if not flushed.. what on earth does nitrogen and pottasium and calcium even taste like?
And to say that you don't need to flush w organics and you do with chemical based notes never made sense either, after all aren't all say nitrogen atoms the same thing, whether they come from cow shit ur they were made in a factory? Nitrogen. Is nitrogen .. same chemical structure.. same amount of protons and electrons floating around..
And how do people think that by pouring water into a medium is going to remove anything from a plant?
I'm being dead serious here.. how on earth does water magically wash anything out of the plants by being dumped through a soil?? I still can't figure that one out..

And as to your question .. nute companies will sell people anything if they think you'll buy it.. tons of people with more money than common sense who believe claims made by nute co's..
Do you smoke your root zone? I do not.. nor do I smoke the soil or roots..

Just like i lovecbeetos said.. does anything in nature get flushed? Do farmers flush apple trees, pears? Do I flush my veggy garden? Have I ever had an apple, pear, tomato , or cucumber taste of chemicals?

Why do people try and act as if cannabis is any different than any other plant on god's green earth and needs to be flushed, and that by dumping x amount of water through dirt will have a single effect on the taste or burn on the thing growing above ground is so retarded it's almost dumb funding..

Yeah.. they make people spend their hard earned money on something that does nothing ..
People say plants will taste like chemicals if not flushed.. what on earth does nitrogen and pottasium and calcium even taste like?
And to say that you don't need to flush w organics and you do with chemical based notes never made sense either, after all aren't all say nitrogen atoms the same thing, whether they come from cow shit ur they were made in a factory? Nitrogen. Is nitrogen .. same chemical structure.. same amount of protons and electrons floating around..
And how do people think that by pouring water into a medium is going to remove anything from a plant?
I'm being dead serious here.. how on earth does water magically wash anything out of the plants by being dumped through a soil?? I still can't figure that one out..

And as to your question .. nute companies will sell people anything if they think you'll buy it.. tons of people with more money than common sense who believe claims made by nute co's..

  • You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to racerboy71 again.
