Question About Flushing...


Active Member
I understand that it must be done two weeks before harvest but what I don't understand is when you need to flush to get rid of TOO MUCH nutrients/build-up how does the plant not get messed up. I thought that you werent aloud to feed Cannabis too much water yet flushing would be the perfect example of too much water someone please clear this up for me. this way I'm not traumatized to flush my plants lol.


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure what the ratio is exactly, I know I've read it time and time again.. so the info on how much water to flush with is out there, it's in relation to your pot size I think.. sorry I use Hydro, and to flush I just run clean water through the set up for a day or two... From what I remember it's the lesser of two evils... you would rather the plant get too much water, and then you can let it dry before you water again, as opposed to get nute burn or hurt your plants where they have to devote more energy into repairing itself than growing up and out... If I'm wrong, it'll be a lesson for me too, sorry I couldn't tell you the exact amount of water to flush with off the top of my head, but I think you'd be better to flush than not if that's your concern.


Well-Known Member
you basically just overwater depending on pot size use half that if you have a gallon pot use half gallon at a time and use molasses also,,,,,,and then before you harvest you let the pot get bone dry and shazaam you have high grade


Active Member
I understand that it must be done two weeks before harvest but what I don't understand is when you need to flush to get rid of TOO MUCH nutrients/build-up how does the plant not get messed up. I thought that you werent aloud to feed Cannabis too much water yet flushing would be the perfect example of too much water someone please clear this up for me. this way I'm not traumatized to flush my plants lol.
I think you understand why you need to flush (salt build up which can lead to toxicity or nutrient lockout). Overwatering is usually NOT giving it too much water in one sitting (so long as the pot drains properly); rather it's usually watering too OFTEN so that the soil never dries out. So you can give the plant a good soaking, so long as you allow the soil to dry out in between soakings.

If I were flushing a soil-based plant I would do the following:

1. Totally saturate the soil with fresh ph-balanced water;

2. Allow 5-10 minutes for soil to drain and water to dissolve built-up salts;

3. Flush again with with half the amount of water as the size of pot; for example, a 5-gallon pot would get 2.5 gallons of water;

4. Allow soil to dry out and resume normal watering/feeding schedule.

I'm not sying this is the only way or the right way; just my way.


Active Member
i would not flush... i would... leach? is that what its called... stop feeding nutes 2 weeks b-4 harvest. and use phd water and molasses. it takes care of the fear of over watering ur plant... and it should take out most if not all of the wasteful salts and excess nutes.

there are many pre-harvest theories and tricks

like having 2-3 days of pure darkness before harvest

some more i cant remember


Active Member
anyone else got anything on the 3 days of darkness. i mean if the plants already a mature flowered plant ready for harvest see no reason why a 3 day dark period could turn it hermy when its fully grown. i've heard that the extra darkness gives the oils more time to mature but im just talkin shit cause i need a answer to this as well let me read it lol.


Well-Known Member
i would not flush... i would... leach? is that what its called... stop feeding nutes 2 weeks b-4 harvest. and use phd water and molasses. it takes care of the fear of over watering ur plant... and it should take out most if not all of the wasteful salts and excess nutes.
You got it! This is the way to do it. No tricks, no formulas. Just good old water and molasses. I do hydro too, so I use Botanicare Sweet instead of molasses.
I think of flushing as something you do when you burn the shit out of your plants with too many nutes doing soil grows.