Question about flowering stage.


Well-Known Member
If you cannot maintain complete darkness for when the lights are off during the flowering stage, is it that the plant won't flower at all, or that it will affect how much it flowers?


Well-Known Member
Never had an issue...
My grows are not pitch black, often turn on ceiling lights at "night" to tend to my ladies, and some sun creeps in too. I dont leave that door shut so it gets somewhat illuminated during the day that way as well..(no tent)
I run 24/0 rotating crops
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Well-Known Member
i think it depends on how strong the light is at night

outdoors cannabis is said to not really be affected by moonlight as bright as it is

but say artificial light leaking in from an adjacent room or something that can be fairly bright and can cause nanners in my experience

I've had this issue with a tent a couple years ago because the zippers were worn and most corners weren't light tight

but stay watchful and see
maybe it isn't bright enough to trip your plants out

peace, love, and weed
happy gardening all!