Question about feeding/watering

The Mad Flasher

Active Member
Right now I have my plants in 3 gallon containers and am watering about once every 7-10 days...With that being said, people say to feed once a week. Should I feed 1/4-1/2 strength when I water at this point? Or should I hold off and do it every other watering?


Well-Known Member
Perhaps my info will not aid you much as I use only 2 ltr containers....but I feed mine every watering....ever increasing the dilution as time goes on....question tho....with that size ocontainer, how do decide about watering? Moisture guage? Weight or??? Of course, with my size, it's very obvious....I water bout every 3 days...under 400w hps and great ventilation....

The Mad Flasher

Active Member
Perhaps my info will not aid you much as I use only 2 ltr containers....but I feed mine every watering....ever increasing the dilution as time goes on....question tho....with that size ocontainer, how do decide about watering? Moisture guage? Weight or??? Of course, with my size, it's very obvious....I water bout every 3 days...under 400w hps and great ventilation....
I usually go by weight of the pots. That's usually after I feel a few inches down in the dirt to see if its dry.


Active Member
How old, how big are the plants in question? Are they in flower or veg? I like 3 gal. pots from start to finish, but each stage of growth call for it's own feeding/watering schedule.

The Mad Flasher

Active Member
How old, how big are the plants in question? Are they in flower or veg? I like 3 gal. pots from start to finish, but each stage of growth call for it's own feeding/watering schedule.
5 weeks, were in party cups. Transplanted 2 weeks ago and watered, took 10 days for the pots to be dry enough.


Active Member
5 weeks old & I'll assume they are still in Veg...It's not unusual to only feed/water once a week at this stage, but be ready to feed/water more when you switch to flower (12/12)....

The Mad Flasher

Active Member
5 weeks old & I'll assume they are still in Veg...It's not unusual to only feed/water once a week at this stage, but be ready to feed/water more when you switch to flower (12/12)....
Ya that will likely be next week. I was just wondering cause I fed them when they dried out 5 days ago. From the weight of the pots I'll have to water in the next 2-3 days so I guess I'd be ok at 1/4 str Grow Big+Big Bloom?


Active Member
go weak when starting the nutes....a Tbl spoon or 2 of blackstrap molasses per gallon of water never hurts (some only use it during flower, some use it all the way through). And remember to use a feed/water/water schedule, it helps to prevent salt build up in the soil.