Question about Fan(s)?


Active Member
Gonna have a grow box about 1 x 2.5 x 7, i was wondering what kind of a fan would i need to install for exhaust and for air coming.. and how cheap can i get it.. and where


Well-Known Member
I assume them dimensions are feet?

A 4" inline fan would probably be ok depending on what kinda lighting your gonna use.

As to where to get it from, and how much, that depends on whats available to you locally, or you could search online for a hydro retailler near you that you can order from?


Active Member
Yes those are in Feet.

I will be using a 250 watt mh/hps config (vege/flower).. for 2 plants in those dimensions of the box..

4" inline fan is good enough? What does that mean how much would it approximately run me.. (how many cfms)

Also how about the exhaust??


Well-Known Member
yea a 4" inline fan would be fine, and you use that as your exhaust, for intake you need to make some light baffled holes low down in your growspace to allow fresh air to be drawn in by the negative pressure that the fan is creating, or you could mount another inline fan for induction of air. Not sure about cfm's over here we work in cmh (cubic metres per hour).

Heres the inline fans that are generally used in the uk, i use the 5" for my flower room and the 4" for veg room. GroWell > Systemair Lti RVK Extractor Fans


Well-Known Member
Yea they look ok.

Maybe one for extraction and one for intake OR two for extraction, one on each side of the room at the top and use passive intake holes at the bottom?

You could link up the output side of the two fans via duct into one side of a two way duct splitter then the other single side of the splitter going into a carbon filter to scrub your air?

Dont have too many bends in your light baffling pvc pipe, every bend restricts airflow, so keep any turns or bends to minimum.


Well-Known Member
Only thing i noticed with those fans is it says theyre not compatible with speed controllers, which is fine if you dont ever want to slow them down, but i have to slow down my extractors in winter using a fan speed controller because the air being drawn in is too cold.


Active Member
well i wasn't going to have fans direclty exhaust out since its an apartment.. I was going to have all the fans attached to my grow box .. on the bottom left have a small cut out for the inline and at the very top have 2 small squares to fit 2 exhaust fans which would probably be hooked up to a carbon filter. Hopefully that will work or will it?