Question about drying before the cure...


Junior Creatologist
if you got buds drying, n they're straight up crispy, to where hairs are falling off just from touching the buds, but the stems aren't snapping when bent, does this still mean they're ready for the cure? N also, does the paper bag stage matter that much? I read fdd's drying tutorial n he skips it altogether, so does it matter?


Well-Known Member
ya mabey even too done same thing happened to me....not even 2 days ago i just put into bags but idk mabey even too dont? soo ya cut and bag


New Member
Cut off the buds,and put um in a jar,plastic container,etc...Open in a couple days,if they feel too moist,let it dry out some more.You want a lil moister in the bud,you don't want it too dry.

smoke and coke

Well-Known Member
i would throw them in the jar now and keep close watch.
in a couple a days you can go to a paper bag for a day if you have to then back to the jars.and burp them.
dont let them get to dry or they wont cure properly.


i cut from the main stock, hang upside down for 5-6 days, paper bag for 3-5 days, jar for life...burping whenever i remember. It's gotta be in a dry dark place too. Sometimes the stems snap before they are jarred but I would say most do not


Junior Creatologist
What i've found is working really well for me is, I hang dry my buds in my bud dryer for 2-3 days, until the outside if the buds are nice n crispy. I don't worry about the stem snapping. After they're dry to my standard, I cut the buds up, finish the manicure, and I put them on a paper plate for 10 hours, all spread out. Then straight to jars, burping them twice a day, n taking them out of the jars once a day to check for mold, and to let them air out for about 20-30 mins. After 4 days of doing this, I close up the jars, and leave them. My whiteberry already lost her hay smell, n now smells lime sour candy. I still have another week to cure her, but my method is workin pretty damn good lol. I've done the exact same thing to 1/2 on of dried buds so far, n they're all reacting the same way the whiteberry did. I still have about 1 1/2 weeks of cure left on the rest, plus about another 6oz still on plants, n I'll be doin the same thing to all of it. I just wanted to let everyone know that it works, n while the recommended method is to wait on the stems, IMHO I just don't think that is nessecary. I've been scared of over dryingmu bud, n doin it this way just kind of ensures that you end up with dank, sticky green that doesn't burn in 2 seconds. It burns nice n even, n this method gives my buds the trAits that i've been looking for in my weed.

I did actually try drying until the stems snapped, and I ended up with some really dry bud. It's awesome weed for sure, but it's just way way too dry, n it's been during for 4 days already. I've even tried putting fresh bud in with the dry shit, n it just doesn't wanna absorb anything. I don't wanna say that if it's dry enough to smoke, it's dry enough to start the cure, but really u wanna go that far, n then dry for one more day, n your perfect. This is just my humble opinion of course
and this is just what has worked for me, so it may be different for you. But doing it this way gives my bud the perfect consistency, burn rate, and smell. I can't wait for the final product to be finished. I'll let you guys know how it all turns out in the long run.