Question about Drying and Curing


Well-Known Member
Air needs to exchange in the jar. The two way humidity is just one factor to curing and yes that would be ok but you will still want to burp to remove the chlorophyll gasses in the jar.

Check out Grove Bags. They do exactly what you are describing while still gassing off chlorophyll


Well-Known Member
Air needs to exchange in the jar. The two way humidity is just one factor to curing and yes that would be ok but you will still want to burp to remove the chlorophyll gasses in the jar.

Check out Grove Bags. They do exactly what you are describing while still gassing off chlorophyll
Cant really afford to buy grove bags.
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Active Member
Awesome, Ya I have no problem Burping the jars. Cant really afford to buy anything else right now blew all my budget on the grow stuff,seeds etc lol
Just dry in a cool place with some humidity. A small hygrometer can be gotten for a few dollars. Aim for 60 rh when drying and as cool as you can get .Don't put a fan directly on them. It should take 7-10 days to dry. Once the tiny leaves are crunchy and the bud springs back when you squeeze it, cut the buds from the stems and put in a plastic tote or shoebox with the hygrometer. Work the rh down to 60-62 and then move buds to an airtight Tupperware or similar container. Keep in cool and open once a week for a minute or two. After a few weeks it's good to store. I use a zip lock with the air pushed mostly out and into the vacuum sealer. Or into another zip lock if that's all you had. No jars needed.