Question about drip irrigation?


Well-Known Member
Simple and cheap.
I have used this for 16 plants, but normally use it for 5 plant vertical or up to 8 plant horizontal.
Had another 12V pump but was only 1.2 gallon/min and tried a 24 plant scrog, not enough volume so had to switch to drippers. I believe I would of had enough volume if I had the 3 gallon/min pump hooked up.

The pump, manifold and rez
20190918_101836  (2).jpg

The distribution manifold, 8 port Orbit.
20181005_095126 (3).jpg

The emitters, the blue mark indicates the QC fitting so I can remove the plant from the tent to work on them.20181005_095120_LI (2).jpg

Here it is disconnected.
20191217_103639 (2).jpg

I have since removed the pump and all fitting from the rez and mounted them on a stand and put a lid on the rez.
20191201_115501 (2).jpg

This had worked well for me and the cost was low also. Under $150 for everything.
