question about curing?


Well-Known Member
More or less it redistributes the moisture evenly and allows the bud to continue drying slowly. Is it necessary, no but its like aging alcohol or tobacco you don't need to but it will be much better if you do. As far as how to do it, after you have let your bud hang dry then you put it in a jar, close the lid and only open the jar X amount of hours a day then close it back up. More or less. Hope this helps.


Well-Known Member
its a must! putting the dry buds in a jar (glass is best). curing helps more of the resin to turn more psychoactive plus the terpanes start to mix and form poly terpanes which makes for wonderfull new aromas mmm. glass jar cool dark place:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
when drying what are the ideal conditions for drying? lights on/ lights off. temps humidity?


Well-Known Member
Temps can be anywhere from 50F to 80F. You want the humidity initially low enough to facilitate drying without mold growth, but people get it done at high humidity also. Lights off when drying, light reacts and neutralizes THC.

Dry time will take many things into consideration, but generally 7-10 days should be enough. some people have high humidity higher temps and takes 3 weeks to dry. some use forced air drying and get it done in 5-7 days. Curing takes more time to properly do.