Question about Closet Grow


Active Member
So I'm a month into my first grow from seeds. I've got four T4 tubes and at this point 4 CFLs going on my three plants. The plants are around 6-8 inches.

Temp is pretty stable around 80 and humidity is around 35%. I close the door at night since it's in my room, and temp sometimes gets up to 83, but the door remains open during the day.

The closet does not have a window or an air-proof door. The door folds open. The space is two feet wide and about 10 feet long. However, the door only opens at one end and the ceiling slopes at the opposite end, making it a bit awkward to position lights overhead.I am renting and will not drill any sort of large holes in the walls. I am renting and will not drill any sort of large holes in the walls.

So my question...when I begin to add a dark period to the cycle, what kind of ventilation do you think I will need? I'm planning on hanging a black garbage bag and then a white one (or mylar) over the door to prevent any light leakage, but know that is going to really kill the air circulation. As of now I have two 4" fans in the room. One is on the ground in between the three pots pointing upward. The other fan is on the back wall and blow air over the plants and out of the room.

So I'm not sure how I can add any sort of exhaust fan or carbon filter?
Anyone have thoughts? I'll + rep for help. Thanks!