question about cloning


Well-Known Member
yes it is and ez too
close but no cigar
yeah but it will most probably die and would be really hard to do it!
u too no cigars for you either

it can be done but not a good ideal beacuse you can force hermie traits thats light stress upon a flowering plant and u want to clone it hell no you prob stress it out and the only way it will die is if...............

U dont know how to clone!

Read up kiddies!!!!


Active Member
YOU can i just cloned a branch from my flowering plant.. Its best to use cloning gel compared to powder and stick it in some rock wool under 24 hour light roots shold grow within a week or maybe longer depending on conditions


Well-Known Member
You can do it but it usually takes a few month for the root system to develop and it won't grow an inch for the first few months. Also, when it does finally grow, it can end up messed up, but then you can clone that one. Check out this thread:
I started a jamaican after I found out its sex and it turned out... intresting. However, I did it with my white widdows and they took ok, still took about 2 months before the clones grew any but worked all the same. Try to find a new growth, if you plant something with a bud already developing on it you have a much less chance of successful cloning. No matter how you do it, they will be stunted for a few months as they turn back into the veg state


Well-Known Member
you can do it but it usually takes a few month for the root system to develop and it won't grow an inch for the first few months. Also, when it does finally grow, it can end up messed up, but then you can clone that one. Check out this thread:
i started a jamaican after i found out its sex and it turned out... Intresting. However, i did it with my white widdows and they took ok, still took about 2 months before the clones grew any but worked all the same. Try to find a new growth, if you plant something with a bud already developing on it you have a much less chance of successful cloning. No matter how you do it, they will be stunted for a few months as they turn back into the veg state

dude it never takes a few months to develope a root system it take like 2 weeks maybe less than that


Junior Creatologist
never say never BB, i tried to clone a while back when i first put my 1st grow into flower. I took the clones like a week into flowering, and kept them alive for like a month. Im sure if i would have waited a little while longer, they would have taken root, but i got fed up n gave up on them. it was just an experiment to see if i could clone or not, so it didnt matter - but if your trying to do it, then do it - as long as the cutting is still alive, its possible to do. Just keep foliar feeding the cutting until roots start to show. Foliar feed because there is no other way for the plant to get its food, so it has to take it in directly through the leaves. By doing this, you can actually keep a cutting alive for however long you want, but its not gonna grow at all until it grows roots. So if you keep it alive for long enough and you have the patience of a fuckin saint, then yeah man, i can see a cutting growing roots after two months of keeping it alive. :D


Well-Known Member
dude it never takes a few months to develope a root system it take like 2 weeks maybe less than that
I have no idea what was going on with the root system but it was definatly over 2 months untill it started to grow. I've had clones take in days, weeks and months. I clone them exactly the same each time, I'm really not sure why some are so stunted but it happens


Active Member
I recently jus cloned a new growth branch from the lower part of my plant just over a week and a half ago it is flowering and it grew a nice set of roots already. I use a cloning gel called Clonex its pretty expensive but this stuff will clone anything. after cutting put it in rock wool un 24 hr light mist regurlarly and the roots shall grow. It has never taken me a month to grow roots. Where are all of you from.


Well-Known Member
I clone from flowering plants, but only when they first start to show sex. If you do it that way they will revert to veg quickly and you should have a pretty good survival rate. Cloning when you have actual buds formed is harder, takes a long time, and the clone will die very easily in the first few weeks. I would only do it as a last resort measure.


Well-Known Member
I have no idea what was going on with the root system but it was definatly over 2 months untill it started to grow. I've had clones take in days, weeks and months. I clone them exactly the same each time, I'm really not sure why some are so stunted but it happens
prob the way u cut them some of my clones are taken root some are at a stand still but its been a week and most of them are rooted growing to the bottm of the cube lol but yea do u put them in root stim?