Question about clone lighting


Well-Known Member
I don't currently have my fluorescent light set up, so I was thinking about putting my aerocloner with the rest of my vegging plants under my 1000w halide, like off to the side or something..

Will this work?
And if so, how far away should they be from the light at a minimum?



Well-Known Member
Ya it will work just not as good... I don't have an exact distance but u just don't want them directly under it. A good 2feet away maybe depending on whether or not ur light is air coole or not. I'd say 2ft would be good and just around the outside to where the other plants are shading them a lil bit.


Well-Known Member
Right now the light is about 7 feet above them, and they are about 5 feet to the side of it. Will this work or is it not enough light?


Well-Known Member
Unfortunately the light is kinda getting into the inside of my cloner. Not direct light or anything, but it seems to be making its way through the container a little bit, so its not completely dark inside.. Will they still root?


Well-Known Member
Well I'm no expert at cloning with mhs but I'd imagine u could put em closer than 7 ft... I know not a ton of light is needed for cloning but they still need some...


Well-Known Member
Well I'm no expert at cloning with mhs but I'd imagine u could put em closer than 7 ft... I know not a ton of light is needed for cloning but they still need some...


Well-Known Member
Yeah that's why I put them so far away because I know they don't need much light, especially when they're under a 1000w MH. But I want to make sure they get enough light as well.

Can anybody else answer my question?


Well-Known Member
Ok so I moved them closer to the light. They are now about 3.5ft to the side. Still about 7ft under the light.

What do u all think? Is this good?

Also, what I'm even more concerned about, is that light seems to be lightly leaking through the container just a tad.. Will they still root? Or does it actually have to be 100 percent dark inside?

Anybody please reply. Thanks.

70's natureboy

Well-Known Member
You are on the right track. You don't want them close to that light. I put my clones off to the side of a 5x5 room with 400mh 3-4 ft above them. If I had a 1000mh in a 7x7 or 8x8 room I would still put the clones to the outside with light 6-7 ft high; just about like you had it. How is light getting in the cloner? I use a home made one and the only way light could get in is if there were open holes so I guess I don't understand how it can happen.


Well-Known Member
Clones don't need hardly any light at all. I use 17 watts of leds and I have no problem at all. You don't want any light getting into your cloner though, you will get all kinds of shit you don't want.

Light cycle doesn't really matter. I do mine on 18/6.

Oh and putting them in the corner will work just fine. they don't need much light at all.